Find and live your authentic dream
Lisa Hutterer |
• March 2022
"Do you feel trapped in a career you don’t truly love, but also have no idea what your true
purpose is and how to find it? In this captivating talk, Lisa Hutterer shares 4 simple steps to
help you find and live your authentic dream!
A poll has shown that 85% of people around the world are unhappy in their jobs (Gallup,
2017). How can we change that?
Lisa Hutterer, who is a Marketing Strategist, Business School Lecturer and Speaker,
believes that dreams should not be judged, categorized or weighed up.
Instead she suggests: All dreams are created equal.
On the TEDx stage, she shares her poignant personal story of being labeled as ‘not being
good enough’. In order to disprove that, she worked hard to build a ‘successful life’ - which
still left her unfulfilled. Only when she discovered her authentic dream and her personal
definition of success she started experiencing true satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness.
In this compelling speech, she shares the lessons she has learned along that journey - and
how you can make use of that too!
German-Vietnamese Lisa Hutterer’s mission is to bring back authenticity into our lives and
businesses. As a Marketing & Branding expert, she coaches businesses and solopreneurs
to create authentic marketing strategies that align with their vision. She is passionate about
inspiring people to lifelong learning – not only for the sake of gaining qualifications, but rather
as a step on the path to finding true purpose. Throughout her career, she has enabled
people globally to think outside the box and unleash their full potential.
Lisa believes that enabling people to thrive and pursue their dreams is key for building both
a successful and fulfilled society of tomorrow. The only question left is - are you ready to find
and live your authentic dream?"