Thank God for Our Vagina! | Kaouthar Darmoni | TEDxLinz
Kaouthar Darmoni |
• February 2019
Dr. Kaouthar Darmoni talks about her wise and illiterate grandmother who grew up in a harem, about femininity, female and male sexuality, real and fake women’s bodies. There is no right versus wrong female bodies because all bodies are different and at the same time equally feminine. Grateful for being initiated to the Art of Being Feminine by the oldest of her tribe, she learned her grandma’s female body wisdom: beauty, grace and playfulness is ageless and timeless. In this controversial and fun talk, she shares her dilemmas between her Tunisian grandmother’s vision “our female sexuality is active, we are the initiators” and “our vagina is the door to paradise” and the Western’s vision of Freud about “passive female sexuality” and “penis envy theory”. Can it be that the ancient wisdom of the illiterate women of her tribe is more empowering for the female body and sexuality than the modern Western psychoanalysis? And how can women lead the way toward a new golden age in which men are strong and vulnerable at once? How can women feel empowered and safe enough to share their sacred wisdom with men? How to create now the bold dream of the matriarchal and patriarchal coming finally together, as egalitarian systems, not to compete but to complete each other?