A new way to define successful brands | Julia Faure | TEDxUniversitedeTours
Julia Faure |
• February 2020
Do you know LOOM? It's a sustainable, local clothing brand co-funded by Julia Faure. Her goal? Through her brand, consuming less but better. She wants to shorten production circuits to counter, at an individual scale, the race for growth. Julia question this unreasonable race for growth. The prevalent economic model is to always sell more and to generate profit. Very few companies today are ready to give up on that. But is this the model that should be embraced for a sustainable trade? She invites us to change our definitions of the words "success" and "power," for a cleaner, more responsible consumption.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx