Medical Assistance in Dying: Not as Easy as it Looks
Joel Zivot |
• February 2018
Dr. Joel Zivot is an associate professor of anesthesiology and surgery in the Emory School of Medicine and also adjunct professor in the Emory School of Law and Emory Institute of Liberal Arts. Zivot received his medical training from the University of Manitoba and the University of Toronto and further medical sub-specialty training from the Cleveland Clinic. Zivot also completed an MA in Bioethics from Emory University. Zivot lectures and writes on a number of subjects related to the practice of clinical medicine, end of life care, and the ethical conduct of physicians in lethal injection and physician assisted death, both in peer reviewed journals and the press. Zivot opposes the medicalization of capital punishment, has been an expert in a number of legal cases heard in the US Supreme Court related to lethal injection and has examined many inmates on death row.