How to Prevent School Shootings
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Jillian Peterson, Ph.D. |
• April 2019
It's been 20 years since the Columbine High School shooting, and schools today are no safer. Based on two years of research into the life histories of over 150 mass shooters, Dr. Jillian Peterson explains why our current school safety strategies like lock down drills and security have failed, and uses data to suggest new strategies to prevent mass shootings.
Dr. Jillian Peterson is a psychologist and professor of criminal justice at Hamline University. She previously worked as an investigator on death penalty cases before obtaining her doctorate in psychology and social behavior from the University of California, Irvine. Her areas of research and expertise include forensic psychology, violence prevention, and mental illness. Dr. Peterson recently received a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to study the life histories of mass shooters in order to develop new pathways for prevention.
Lead Videographer: Autumn Vagle
Assistant Videographers: Emma Larson, Anna Heckmann
Introductory Graphic: Jackson Cobb