色盲创缤纷 | 刘丁勇 Jarod Law | TEDxPetalingStreet
刘丁勇 Jarod Law |
• October 2018
Systems engineer Jarod Law has been living with colour blindness for over 30 years. Even though he is unable to see colours, he has trained himself to perceive different colours through acute observation, concise communication, and logical thinking. This has enabled him to solve challenges that he encountered on a daily basis that others might take for granted.
科技公司创办人兼世界十大科技智慧回馈社会人物刘丁勇,于 9 岁时被发现患上先天多重色盲,无法分辨石蕊试纸的同时,更遑论圆科学家之梦;其年少旅途迷茫跌撞,从事过多份兼职,后来他决定转修无需辨认颜色的雷达通讯工程系,几经辛苦终于以一等荣誉成绩毕业。之后,他一步一脚印,成为精通 15 种软件开发语言的工程师。他将于今年完成一个即时寻血液与捐血援助平台,通过科技方式日行一善。
The founder of a technology company, Jarod is one of the world’s top ten important figures for contributing technological wisdom to society. He was detected with colour vision blindness when he was 9 years old, unable to distinguish litmus test papers, this compromised his dream to become a scientist. In his younger day, his journey was a lost and confused one, with engagement in many temp jobs. Later he decided to pursue a course in Telecommunication Engineering, without worrying about his colour blind issue. After having overcome numerous hardships, he finally graduated with first-class honours. With the spirit of "one step at a time", he became an engineer proficient in 15 software development languages. He will complete an instant blood seeker and blood donation aid platform soon in this year, and he will make good use of the technology for the cause of charity.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
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