What I learned about life from death | Jane Whitlock | TEDxMinneapolis
Jane Whitlock |
• August 2018
Jane lost her husband at the age of 47. This experience transformed every aspect of her life, a level of transformation she believes is available to all people. When we don't talk about death and remind ourselves daily that we are going to die, we run the risk of taking for granted this magical gift called life and getting all tangled up in caring about what doesn't matter.
Jane Whitlock, aka Doula Jane, is an end-of-life doula. She provides guidance and emotional support for individuals and families through the end-of-life process. Recognizing the need for an impartial and compassionate perspective during her husband’s terminal cancer battle in 2013, Whitlock launched her practice to help others in dealing with the fragile and fleeting constants of life and death. Whitlock declares that death and its sacred rituals have many gifts to offer us. When we know we are dying and time is short, there comes an opportunity for deep transformation for both the departing and their loved ones.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx.