Have "The Talk" to Stop Teen Suicide
Jackie Simmons |
• January 2021
"In the next 24 hours, over 3,000 American teens will attempt to take their own lives. According to the Center for Disease Control, 25% of American young adults are struggling with suicidal thoughts.
When you watch Have “The Talk” to Stop Teen Suicide, you’ll enter into a world of deadly silences and bone-chilling revelations. Along the way, Have The Talk to Stop Teen Suicide delivers the clues and keys you need to break the deadly silences and prevent the guilt-nightmare that haunts parents, classmates, teachers, and friends following a suicide attempt.
Have “The Talk” to Stop Teen Suicide includes the purely preventative, science-based, 4-step script for The Talk About Suicide. It’s a powerful model for communicating on a topic no one wants to talk about. Jackie believes having The Talk About Suicide just might save your child’s life.
Jackie Simmons, - Jackie@TeenSuicidePreventionSociety.org – is an international speaker, the host of The Suicide Prevention Show, the co-founder of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society, and the author/compiler of the book: Make It A Great Day: The Choice Is Yours and author of The “Why Not?” Workbook: Breaking the Silence on Teen Suicide.
Jackie believes that teen suicides can be prevented. This is truly a case where an ounce of prevention is worth way more than a pound of cure.