The new way to brag in the modern world - and feel good doing it
Henna Pryor |
• December 2022
As ambitious professionals in a hybrid world, we need to share our wins to be viewed as competent at work, but the world has convinced us that bragging is bad. But is ALL bragging bad? And is there such a thing as "Good Bragging?" As it turns out, research tells us there is... and we need to be doing it to maximize our professional success.
We've learned long-term success comes from being seen as both competent AND likable by others, so to meet our big goals, we need to learn how to be a Good Bragger -- and activate a new approach that achieves both. In her TEDxWilmingtonSalon talk, Henna Pryor teaches us the new way to brag in the modern world - and feel good doing it.