From the seeds to the sun | Giorgio Vacchiano | TEDx BustoArsizio
Giorgio Vacchiano |
• April 2019
Un viaggio che parte dalle foreste e da un piccolo seme e arriva alle stelle che ne regolano i cicli.
Scientific research on forests leads us to discover that all the things are connected to them: a newtork of relationships runs through the ecosystems and affect its dynamics, even at a distance of thousand of kilometres. A fascinating phenomenon, that passes through wood, roots, air and fire: whether we are aware of it or not, we are an integra part of these relationships. We might be little, but we are not insignificant, we are one with the planet and with the rest of the mankind. We are connected, all the way from the seed to the Sun.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
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