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How to improve a community's wellbeing after tragedy
Enid Montague |
• April 2019
As a survivor of gun violence, Montague knows all too well that access to mental health resources are severely lacking for those who truly need it. As an engineer and professor in DePaul’s College of Computing and Digital Media, she sees a role for technology in caring for humans at a very fragile point in time. She shares her ideas for making mental healthcare resources more accessible in her talk, “How to improve a community’s wellbeing after tragedy.” Montague is an associate professor of human computer interaction, bioinformatics and collaborative technologies at DePaul University. She also is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and director of the Wellness and Health Enhancement Engineering Laboratory. Her research uses human factors and human-computer interaction methodologies, design principles and theories to understand healthcare systems to promote safety and patient-centered care. Currently, Montague is exploring the role of trust between people and technology in healthcare work systems and designing new and effective health-related technologies. Montague received master’s degree and doctorate in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech.