The Theory of Creativity
Duncan Wardle |
• May 2018
I believe everyone is Creative. I also believe the ability to think Creatively is one core human truth that will remain relevant in the brave new world of AI. Haven’t we all been told we’re not creative? Weren’t we all kids once? It's that childlike curiosity that led Einstein & Edison to discover new theories & Disney and Jobs to create new industries. Hasn’t our education and corporate life taught us that there is only one right answer, so much so, that we all stopped looking for the next one? Combine our lack of creativity and curiosity with the world around us. Drones will most likely make fireworks irrelevant in less than a decade. 3D printing will most likely make traditional tool industry obsolete in the next few years too. So how will we survive if we keep doing "business as usual,” iterating to achieve quarterly results vs innovating to survive? How can we embed a sustainable culture of innovation & creativity throughout our organizations, rather than leaving it to the few?