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Why All Schools Should Be Trauma-Informed
Dr. Mary Crnobori |
• November 2018
An alarming number of children today bring many life stressors into the classroom as they face toxicity and adversity outside of school. This talk will explore the staggering prevalence of childhood trauma, and how it can affect the developing brain and body, lifelong health and wellness, and school success. While adversity occurs universally for individuals of all backgrounds, children from marginalized groups may be particularly vulnerable. Access to healing and support is not universal or equitable. What we have learned about childhood trauma in recent years can inform us about the essential missing ingredients in too many American schools today. The very same things needed for students dealing with adversity are in the best interest of all children. Relationship-rich school environments that focus on well-being and safety, stability, compassion, joy, and resilience optimize healthy executive functioning and learning, unlock resilience and flourishing, and empower all children to experience success.