Saving the world by ecological design
• August 2018
“Everything in nature is connected”
We often think urbanization and ecology don’t go hand in hand. In today’s world of increasing
infrastructure and need to accommodate the growing population high rise structures are becoming
increasingly common . An important aspect of this also includes innovation. So , can we urbanize our
cities while save the planet? Dr.Ken Yeang believes in this and that through distinctive green
aesthetics and ecology based approach we can integrate nature in every modern structure making it
not only eco-friendly ,but also elegant. Dr.Yeang sheds light on upcoming concept of sustainable
architecture through eco-design and masterplanning ; both which will lead the way to bring out the
perfect balance between nature and design!
Dr.Ken Yeang is an architect, planner and ecologist. Best known for his green architecture,
masterplans and research, differentiated by an ecology based approach and their distinctive green
aesthetic. He received his doctorate from Cambridge University on ‘ecological design and planning’.
His key buildings include National Library (Singapore), Mesiniaga Tower(Malaysia) and Spire Edge
Tower(India).He was awarded the Malaysian Institute of Architects Gold Medal, the Government of
Malaysia Merdeka Award, the Architectural Society of China Liangsicheng Award 2016 and others.
The UK Guardian newspaper named him as one of the 50 individuals who could save the
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by
a local community. Learn more at