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Devana Ng |
• October 2020
“Eco-Friendly”, “Go Green” has never been far from us, we just got disconnected from it. Through personal actions, such as bringing your own bag, recycling, eco-buying, we awake the conscious and movement to go green again, while influencing brands and manufacturers to start reducing at source through. Within the lapse of 20 minutes, Devana will walk you through the simple journey of an Eco With Attitude person, employee and ultimately a Distinctive Actor.
也許我們以爲“環保”很遙遠,但保護環境從來與生活息息相關。自備環保袋、回收、低碳消費等等的個人生活習慣,正在刺激實行環保意識,影響品牌從源頭減廢。20分鐘的演講中,Devana將帶領您瞭解從建立Eco with Attitude品格,走向成爲Decisive Action員工, Distinctive Actor的道路。