Costly Myths: Scholarships, True Cost of College, and Dream School
Denise Thomas |
• January 2021
"Costly Myths: Scholarships, True Cost of College, and Dream School-Denise Thomas
Myths about scholarships, college costs, and the dream school keeps your child in debt. Discover what debt free grads are doing that the rest are not. (30% are getting debt free college.)
We’ve been sold on the belief that college costs are so high that we have no choice.
When you watch “Costly Myths: Scholarships, the True Cost of College, and Dream School,“ you’ll enter a world of lies, misdirection, and what’s behind dream school marketing.
Denise Thomas — , is The Debt Free College Coach, mother of 2 profitable college students and your guide into the unseen world that is bankrupting America.
Inside this talk, Denise explores the connection between the dream school label and the tuition.
College costs, or rather sticker price, is so high, could it be that we’ve fallen for marketing hype of the ‘dream school’? Can you guarantee your child will get a higher salary if you pay more for their college?And what about scholarships? What if scholarships weren’t just for geniuses?
Watch Denise Thomas on TedX Tenayo Paseo as she reveals the strategy debt free grads are using, and the impact it had on her teens.
Amazon international best selling author, TEDx speaker, Debt Free Degree Podcast host, author of “Cracking the Code to Free College, and coach to parents of college-bound teens, Denise Thomas’ mission is to inspire, educate, and equip parents who take an active role supporting their children to live a life of financial freedom.
Denise partners with parents to put their kids through college debt free because most didn’t save for college, are starting too late, and have no idea what college admissions boards are looking for. So she helps parents discover resources they never knew about that has colleges being their kids to go to their school. Bottom line, you don’t have to risk your retirement for your college fund.
Denise is a 20 year homeschool veteran mom having homeschooled her two children from Pre-k through high school. Both children attended their first choice college on 17 scholarships exceeding $199,000, walking out of college with cash in hand. Denise says, “You can keep your money,”
“College does’t have to be a DEBT sentence.”