Be the KIND of Leader Worth Following
Debbie Lundberg |
• December 2021
Please think of the kindest words ever spoken to you. Are you feeling good? Likely yes.
Please remember the kindest act you ever experienced. Are you grateful? Likely yes.
Kindness is something that costs us nearly nothing, and yet being unkind can cost us almost everything.
How is this seemingly intangible attribute and action so simple and yet so highly admired and appreciated?
And, how can we be kind, and throughout life, regardless of age, title, role or position, be the KIND of leader worth following?
Many of us have been raised to think and believe "If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing", and we can, through kindness, amplify the impact of that idea by tweaking it to be "If you have nothing kind to say or do, then think of something kind to say or do, and then say it or do it".
This talk shares four aspects of true kindness, how to embrace them, and how to sincerely engage in not just kind acts, rather true kindness for self and others!