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Claire Yeung |
• September 2021
Change can be scary at the best of times, so imagine how terrifying it would be to completely turn your life around at the age of 50. That’s exactly what writer, lawyer, and coach Claire Yeung experienced, and in this heartfelt talk she describes how she learned to embrace change and see it as the opportunity to realize her dreams.
Claire Yeung is a lawyer, writer, educator, coach, and lifelong learner. She is a Whole Person Certified Coach and Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer, and owns her own coaching business. She earned her Juris Doctor degree (also known as Doctor of Law) from the University of British Columbia and was called to the BC Bar in 1989. Currently she holds a position as Adjunct Faculty at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Claire is the author of the book The Eighty Year Rule: What Would You Regret Not Doing in Your Lifetime?