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Redefining Strength for the 21st Century
Charles Matheus |
• March 2020
Let’s rethink the traditional concept of what it means to be strong. Unfortunately, the old idea of personal, tribal, and cultural strength have included the Four Bullets:
● The imposition of power over another ● A win-lose mentality ● Repression of one’s own emotions or needs ● And oppression of others to maintain the hierarchy
We have been living with, and using this construct and calling it “strong” for thousands of years and we all know the consequences. Everywhere we see division, suffering, violence, and needless competition. The terrible irony is that even those who wield this kind of “strength” suffer from isolation and depression because they have repressed their full humanity.
So the bill has come due on this toxic combination we’ve been calling “Strength.” It is time for a new way, a new definition. Social science and psychology tell us what kinds of behaviors and attitudes make for the best lives, relationships, and workplaces. I call them the Four Gifts:
● Power with others ● A win-win approach ● Expression of one’s full self ● Inclusion of others through vulnerability, multiculturalism & engagement
But we can’t just abandon the concept of strength - we need it to face the daunting challenges of the 21st Century. The problem is, too many people have their identity caught up in the old meaning of “Strength.” What we can do though, is redefine the strength to include the Four Gifts. Let’s actively label and value vulnerability, cooperation, receptivity, inclusivity for what they are: courage and strength - powerful humanity.