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It's Time to Talk About Women's Health
Cassie Dionne |
• February 2019
The subject of women’s health is one that is oftentimes considered taboo. We see images of half-naked men and women day in and day out (yes, sex sells), but as soon as we start discussing female reproductive parts in a legitimate medical context people often become uncomfortable, believing topics related to women’s vulvas, vaginas, or pelvic health is something to be kept private. Unfortunately, our lack of discussion about women’s’ health has led to some very serious health consequences. Women are often left unaware of what is normal or abnormal or how they can better their health. Symptoms like incontinence, pelvic pain or pain with sex are incredibly common but do not have to be a woman’s norm - there is help. In fact, research shows pelvic health physiotherapy is an effective treatment for women to improve their pelvic and sexual health and can effectively help women live a life without pain, discomfort, anxiety or fear of their reproductive parts. Watch as Cassie Dionne, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist at Taylored Training Physiotherapy in Kingston, ON opens up the dialogue and talks about the absurdity of our current understanding of women’s health, what we all should know as women (and men!) regarding our pelvic and sexual health and what can be done if you experience symptoms. This talk will change the way you feel about the words vulva, vagina, pelvic health and sex!