Is it worth to pay for Customer Service training?
Carla Carvalho Dias |
• November 2019
For years and years companies struggle to get the best customer service they can! All companies around the world go through this obstacle over and over again and then the question comes up:
Why is there always more terrible Customer Service stories than Good ones?
Why are we not doing it right if we already know how important this is?
This is a problem that people have asked Carla to solve for the past 25 years. In this talk you will have access to data and 4 second videos that proves the origin of bad customer service and the reason why the investment in training might be useless.
Carla has a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Coimbra – Thermodynamics.
She is passionate about people, teams and organizational cultures. Her life mission is to improve society by improving service to companies around the world having better leadership and happier people. She became an international public speaker with presence in all continents giving her a wide vision of companies and cultures.
She is the founder of Visao Integrada, where she specialized in corporate restructuring and reorganization and in providing exceptional service from the inside out for the last 25 years.
Since 2003 she has been a certified coach for individuals, teams and organizations by the ICF (International Coaching Federation). She is the author of 2 best sellers on customer service and the development of individuals, teams and organizations. She is currently an author and international public speaker with presence in all continents as well as top management consultant using the brand CCD (Carla Carvalho Dias)
You can find Carla at:,,,,