How to rule Mars | Carin Ism | TEDxMünchen
Carin Ism |
• November 2019
Carin works on the forefront of governance innovation and is devoted to upgrading the tools available to distribute power, make and enforce decisions. She is the co-founder of the Future of Governance Agency (FOGA), which officially opens its doors in November of 2019. She provides talks and workshops on power and governance-related topics and offers advisory services to governments and IGOs. She is the faculty in the future of governance at the Nordic branch of Singularity U, as well as in blockchain. Befo re this she was Director of Research at Bitnation where she delved deep into the civic tech space. Previously she was Executive Director of the Global Challenges Foundation where she, ran the biggest global competition to date in the field of governance innovation.
10. November 2019
Münchner Kammerspiele Carin works on the forefront of governance innovation and is devoted to upgrading the tools available to distribute power, make and enforce decisions. She is the co-founder of the Future of Governance Agency (FOGA), which officially opens its doors in November of 2019. She provides talks and workshops on power and governance-related topics and offers advisory services to governments and IGOs. She is the faculty in the future of governance at the Nordic branch of Singularity U, as well as in blockchain. Before this she was Director of Research at Bitnation where she delved deep into the civic tech space. Previously she was Executive Director of the Global Challenges Foundation where she, ran the biggest global competition to date in the field of governance innovation.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at