Have you ever seen a planet with two suns?
Brian Wu |
• October 2018
Brian Wu believes Earth is currently, steadily progressing to a point where it will one day be uninhabitable. He also believes that the search for a habitable world other than Earth is something that must be undertaken by all of humanity. He’s certainly doing his part—although only a sophomore in high school, Brian helped to discover a low-mass Circumbinary Planet—one of only 21 currently known to humans—using ground-based Radial Velocity spectrometers. (A circumbinary planet is a planet that orbits two stars rather than one.) Wu believes the discovery of this extremely rare system calls into question the origin of our solar system, and it hints at the fact that there could be many other interesting worlds out in the universe that are yet undiscovered—maybe even some in the fabled Goldilocks zone that could theoretically sustain human life.