Boost Your Baby's Brain
Audrey van der Meer |
• October 2018
Everybody knows that young children have an incredible capacity to learn. Kids learn new languages much more easily than adults, for example. We’re not telling you anything you didn’t know by now, right? What if we told you that they are like that since they’re born, and that with the right early stimulation they can develop sooner than what we’re used to seeing? Audrey van der Meer has been studying this for several years. Born in the Netherlands, her career took her to Scotland and then Norway. Currently a professor of neuropsychology at NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Audrey has been working on behavior and brain research for around 25 years. She’s a specialist in infant development, with several publications about the subject and wide projection in the media. Not only a researcher, she also has five children of her own.