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Andrew Tsui |
• October 2020
ood is Heaven to people. People, food and environment serve each other and all. Yet this once-harmonious relationship is destroyed by our irresponsible consumption-based economy to its knees. From apparently unrelated global events, Andrew seeks to lead us to rethink our relationship with the environment. Our continued survival and prosperity might remain a dream, or, maybe our actions to transform our consumption behaviour can change the environment for the better by food!
民以食為天。人 - 食物 - 環境 互相效力。但曾經和諧既關係已經被人類不負責任既消費經濟所破壞,萬劫不復。由幾樣看似不相關既全球事件,Andrew 會帶大家順藤摸瓜,探索根源。重思天。地。人共榮永續是否只能停滯於烏托邦,定係可以通過實際行動,展開消費革命,"食返靚“個地球!