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How Would Nature Change Leadership?
Andres Roberts |
• November 2019
What if we could reinvent leadership to be more like nature? What if our human systems – our schools, businesses, cities and communities – were designed and developed using the principles of life instead?
Andres Roberts believes a better world and a new kind of leadership is possible. His TEDx talk takes us on a journey into human stories that go beyond relentless growth, competition and consumption, to show how we can work with nature to grow things like resilience, connection, wisdom and care. Rather than battling with the old operating systems, he argues that making nature our guide might be the most important innovation of our times.
Andres left the world of big organisations early on in his career. He set up an agency for playfulness in his mid-twenties, before setting out to work with nature.
He is the co-founder of Way of Nature UK, where he guides journeys to help people reconnect with the things that really matter in life. He is also the founding partner of the Bio-Leadership Project - an initiative that is helping to grow new forms of leadership and human innovation by doing it with nature.
Our talks and films are produced, filmed and edited by a brilliant team of talented volunteers and pro-bono partners:
Directed and Produced by Mel Rodrigues, Creative Director TEDxBristol
Production Manager: Clare Crossley
Filmed and edited by Floating Harbour:
Richard da Costa
Reuben Gaines
Chessie Sharman
Raph Watson
Tom Young
Ben Scrase
Dan O'Connell