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Storytelling for Social Change
Amanda Jayapurna |
• March 2018
When someone tells us their own personal story, we catch a glimpse of a view of the world that may be slightly or radically different from our own. When we see the world as they see it, or walk in their shoes, the experience can inspire empathy within them. Film & Animation have the ability to simplify or exaggerate, and abstract or clarify. It’s the perfect vehicle for storytelling and character development. Film can explore truly meaningful subject matter, and are definitely more than bright colors and catchy songs. These films resonate with children in their most impressionable years; presenting messages and values that they will carry for life. As I enter my final few months of high school, in this reflective time, I want to share how storytelling and film has not only affected my life, but the impact it has globally—even inspire a member of the audience to share their own story or experience, be it a big global issue or simply a small, insightful encounter.