Purposeful Steps Away From Ableism
Alyson Seale |
• April 2019
Imagine a world without sexism, racism and ageism, an amazing place where we embrace each other’s gifts and proudly claim all of our identities. Ableism is a hidden ‘isms’ embedded in society—a belief in the superiority of typical able bodies/able minds over bodies/minds falling outside our definition of normal. What if we deconstruct the binary able/disabled and construct differences of body/mind as part of our beautifully diverse human continuum? How would that look? Where do we even start? Let’s not get theoretical—let’s get real. By purposefully examining ableism, we can take action improving our society. TEDxChilliwack 2018 took place on April 13, 2019 at G. W. Graham Theatre in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. The theme of the event was "On Purpose". Learn more at http://tedxchilliwack.com.