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I Am A Girl, Not A Bride
Aeisatu BOUBA |
• December 2019
"Every Girl Child has the right to education. In our community ( Santa Division, North West region of Cameroon), our indigenous parents didn't send their girl children to school especially when they reached a certain age. This is because most of the girls usually misbehaved and marriage was the only option. I didn't accept that to happen to me and I had to strive for the top so as to win the battle, because it was a tought one. I succeeded to complete my secondary education and moved to the high school and obtained a Masters I degree. Today I'm fighting for the girl's child education through an association I created, Cameroon Indigenous Women Forum (CAIWOF). Every parent now in my community is doing everything possible for the girl children to be educated so as to become like me because they are girls and not brides"