x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 26, 2013
2:00am - 5:30am CST
(UTC +8hrs)

When we talk, what can be our topics? Just get rid of the knowledge and concepts imparted! Let’s collide our ideas, create more possibility, and color our lives with our own brush!

Wangjiang campus of Sichuan University
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Joshua Love

美国空军的后代,和父母一直的迁徙让他对于世界有着不一样的看法。学习哲学让他去找到爱的真理。在Cleveland大学做逻辑学老师。在危地马拉做一名国际志愿者,帮助那里农村人们修建他们自己的家园。他将生活、愤怒、激动揉在歌中,他是变色蝴蝶乐队的主唱&吉他手。 A descendant of the US Air Force, constant migrations with his parents gives him a different outlook towards world. The study of philosophy led him to the truth of love. He was a logistics teacher in the university of Cleveland. As an international volunteer in Guatemala, he helps local people reconstruct their homes. The lead singer and guitarist of the band Proximity Butterfly, he mingles life, anger and excitement together in his songs.

Teresa Zhang

  四川大学吴院英语老师,她的创新模式让所有同学爱上英语。Education在这里不再是一种束缚,她用热情诠释对教育的热爱。在她这里,英语不再是单薄的语言,而是通向更多可能性的道路。从impossibility 到 possibility,爱露露姐的人们都懂得。 As an English teacher in Wu Yuzhang College of Sichuan University, her innovative teaching pattern has made every student fall in love with English! Here, education is no longer the constraint, but the love she uses all her passion to express. All the same, English is no longer a pale language, but the path leading to more possibilities. From impossibility to possibility, whoever loves her knows it !


一个不想当经纪人的公益人不是一个好工程师。爱折腾,大学里面创过小业,做过学生会主席,成立过公益组织,引进过国际性公益社团,负责过四川省高校。当过英国大使馆社会企业技能项目2012学员,香港MaD创不同2012MaDee。 Any welfare activist who doesn’t want to be an agent is not a good engineer, as he said. Kind of “Jack-of-all-trade”, he used to set up a small business, be the president of the Student Union, fund a volunteering organization, introduce international welfare associations and be responsible for the universities in Sichuan Province as well as study in the 2012 British Embassy’s project for social enterprise skills.


  二次元医科生欢脱地去自学作曲、编曲,这是一个经历各种被嫌弃、被放鸽子、一团mess之后华丽丽谱出整首歌的励志故事。作曲、科幻、设计,样样精通。看她怎样将热爱变成真爱。 She was once despised, for she passionately loves comics, learns to compose and arrange songs, though being a medical student. Having gone through a series of mess, now she is not only able to complete a song all by herself, but also excels in science fiction and design. Come and see how she turns “passion” to “true love”!


  执着多年呼吁大众打破对同性恋的刻板印象。努力从边缘走向主流,从柜内走出,然后告诉大家,同性恋和你们一样,也可以为这个社会做出贡献。All men are created equal! For years, he has been appealing to the public to break the stereotype towards homosexuals. Being a gay himself, he strives to make homosexual mainstream and tells everyone that they are as equal as anyone to make contribution to the society. All men are created equal!


来自川大文学与新闻学院,生于黑水之畔,求学蓉城之郊。好读书,不求甚解,偶尔舞文弄墨以自娱。对新鲜事物与未知领域充满好奇心与探求欲,爱生活,爱交流思想,心怀理想,一路前行。 A student from Literature and News College of Sichuan University, he is born beside the Black River and studies in the suburb of Chengdu City. He loves reading, though sometimes only roughly swallowing. Occasionally, he writes for entertainment. Curious about everything unknown and ready to explore, he loves the exchange of ideas, dreams big dreams and lives with great passion.


她是黑暗中对话的盲人引导员。她的生命充满色彩,唱歌、听音乐、支持、模仿、写作都要尝试,去各种电视台表演。生活如此多娇,让人忍不住拥抱。听李婉倩娓娓道来她生命中的这些斑斓眼色,她用心感受,而不是用眼。 She is a blind guide for the project of “Communicate in The Dark”. Colorful is her life, for so many fields she has tasted! She sings, listens to the music, hosts, imitates, writes, and even performs at the TV station! She feels life by heart, instead of by eyes. Let’s feel our colorful life together, through her description of the beauty of the world.


执着于支教多年的他经历过误解、繁忙,也曾无数次纠结与自我否定。看他一路来,如何保持初心。 He is a volunteer teacher in remote areas. Along with this great cause comes misunderstanding, countless struggle and self-denial. Let’s see how he keeps his resolve through all these difficulties.

Organizing team


  • Jingyu Guan
    Chief director
  • Yu Liu
    Executive director
  • Shuping Chen
    Director of TSR
  • Miyang Qi
    Director of ABC
  • Kaiyi Li
    Director of TSR
  • Yufan Wu
    Director of ABC