x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Advance

This event occurred on
November 24, 2023
Almaty, Almaty

Embrace the power of advancement and unlock your true potential. In the realm of progress, there are no limits, only possibilities waiting to be realized. Let the fire of ambition ignite within you, propelling you forward on a journey of growth and achievement.

Never settle for mediocrity when advancement beckons you towards excellence. Let your dreams soar, guided by the unwavering belief that you are capable of achieving extraordinary things. Remember, it is in the process of advancing that you become the best version of yourself.

So, step into the realm of advancement with courage and determination. Embrace the journey and let your passion guide you. You have the power to shape your future, to make a lasting impact, and to leave a legacy of progress for generations to come. The world awaits your brilliance.

Abay Ave 4
Almaty, Almaty
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Aida Alzhanova

CEO and Founder of ACG consulting company
Aida Alzhanova is a specialist in strategic and institutional development with a career spanning 13 years at the United Nations, both in the country office in Kazakhstan and the headquarters in New York. She has served as the Deputy Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the UN and as an advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. With experience in academia, quasi-state and non-governmental sectors, as well as consulting for international organizations, Aida is an expert in gender equality and results-based management. She also teaches management disciplines as part of the mini-MBA program at KIMEP University. Currently, Aida has founded her own consulting company, ACG, specializing in organizational institutional and strategic development. She has been involved in several civic initiatives and was a former candidate for the Mazhilis (lower house) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan. She also has extensive experience observing elections in the OSCE region.

Aigerim Uzembayeva

TV/Event host
KIMEP Alumna, Top-15 Mrs. Universe 2022, a polyglot TV/Events Host, The Winner of “Wedding Awards Kazakhstan-2022”, An Ambassador of the culture of Kazakhstan and Turkey since 2022. An Ambassador of the CoraCora Maldives Premium All-inclusive Resort. Since 2008 year when she applied to KIMEP (Bachelor of Arts of International Journalism), she has been hosting various events, nowadays all governmental events with presidents of different countries such as EXPOs, concerts, summits,etc. are hosted by Aigerim.

Aiya Siyaz

KIMEP Fresh Alumna
Hello there! I'm Aiya, a proud recent graduate from KIMEP University. The topic of my speech is going to be “The Art of Studying: Strategies for Self-Motivation and Discipline". As I reflect on my academic journey, one thing stands out—navigating the twists and turns of studying with passion and discipline. Sure, I graduated with the highest honors, but let me assure you, it wasn't all smooth and easy. There were moments when the outside world seemed too tempting, and the textbooks on my desk were the last thing I wanted to think about. So, what's the magic behind maintaining motivation and discipline? I can't wait to share this magic through my experience of motivating myself to study with all of you on November 24th at KIMEP University!

Alan Hamson

Canada's Ambassador to Central Asia
Alan Hamson joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 2004. In Ottawa, he has worked in the Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, and International Gender Equality Division, in the National Security Branch of the Privy Council Office, and as Director of Strategic Planning and Coordination of the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program. Positions overseas have included Beijing, with concurrent accreditation to Mongolia; at the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar, Afghanistan; in Kabul, Afghanistan; and as Ambassador of Canada to South Sudan. He also undertook a short assignment at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in New York, and served with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Cali, Colombia. In December 2021, he was appointed Ambassador of Canada to Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan, and in 2023 he was also appointed Ambassador of Canada to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Dr. Timothy Barnett

Provost and General Deputy to the President at KIMEP University
Tim's career in higher education began with a passion for working with college students, sparked during his time overseeing counselors at a wilderness camp. While majoring in Psychology at the University of Nebraska, he served as a Residence Assistant, solidifying his interest in Student Development. This led him to pursue a PhD in both Psychology and Education/Business from Claremont University. Over the years, Tim held leadership roles at Northern State University, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the University of Illinois Springfield, culminating in his current position as Provost at KIMEP University for the past 8 years. Through diverse experiences, he acknowledges there's no one-size-fits-all leadership style, but certain approaches prove more effective in motivating and aligning staff with organizational success.

Ibragim Kazhigaliyev

Freshman Student at KIMEP University
Greetings everyone! My name is Kazhigaliyev Ibragim and I am a first-year student at Kimep University, majoring in international law. I have a strong background in public speaking, having been named the Best Speaker at the World Scholars Cup in 2019 and 2022, as well as being a Global Round qualifier in WSC, and the Best Speaker at the Kimep Grant National Debate competition in 2023. I chose this topic because, in 11th grade, I was faced with the question, "What can I do to contribute to society and how can I do it effectively?" At BIL, where I studied, my teachers and tutors emphasized the importance of this duty. Their passion and eagerness to help others left a lasting impression on me and inspired me to find ways to contribute to society in the most effective way possible. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic with an audience, thanks to Kimep University and Tedx. I am looking forward for your active support!

Nurbakhyt Sailau

Sophomore Student at KIMEP University
Nurbakhyt is a second-year undergraduate student in international relations specializing in global security and international affairs. Her passion for research in the field of economics was awarded a prize at the republican contest of scientific papers. During her school years, she actively participated in the organization of events and led the charity club bilnurqyzcharity. Now Nurbakhyt actively participates in student life, strives to enrich the educational environment and invests efforts in improving society through his activism and initiatives.

Organizing team


Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Aizhan Kairoldina
  • Alikhan Tuganbayev
  • Amina Idrissova
  • Mariya Ivanova