x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
March 10, 2023
Valletta, Valletta

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Valletta Campus Theatre
University of Malta Valletta Campus
Valletta, Valletta, VLT1216
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Clare Azzopardi

Clare Azzopardi tgħix f'dar antika ħafna u meta ma tkunx qed tgħallem tkun qed tikteb jew taqra. Kitbet u ttraduċiet numru ta' kotba għat-tfal kif ukoll żewġ ġabriet ta' stejjer u rumanz għall-kbar. Il-ġabra ta' novelli Kulħadd ħalla isem warajh ġiet ippubblikata f'diversi lingwi fosthom il-Kroat, is-Sloven, l-Għarbi u l-Ungeriż filwaqt li r-rumanz tagħha Castillo ġie ppubblikat bl-Għarbi, bit-Taljan u bl-Ingliż. Azzopardi kitbet bosta xogħlijiet għat-teatru fosthom l-Interdett taħt is-Sodda, Tebut Isfar, In-Nisa (Maltin) jafu kif u Pretty Lisa.

Corinne Vella

Corinne Vella is a sister of Daphne Caruana Galiza's. She leads the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation's media relations and edits Taste & Flair, the monthly magazine which Daphne founded in 2014 and which the Foundation has continued to publish. She previously spent many years working in media and communications.

Dr Amber Wismayer

Dr Amber Wismayer is the founder of AW Architecture and Design – an architectural studio that specialises in heritage building interventions, and prioritises sustainable, climate-responsive solutions. She established and leads the Sustainable Regeneration of Built Heritage Initiative – a multi-faceted stakeholder network which seeks to enable effective and structured knowledge sharing and collaboration. She shares her user-centric, environmentally-focused design approach as a tutor at the University of Malta within the Faculty for the Built Environment. Having graduated from the University of Malta in Architecture and Civil Engineering in 2010, she was granted a warrant to practice as a perit in 2012. She later read for an M.Sc. (London) in environmental studies and energy efficiency, and a Ph.D. (Bath) on the impact of occupant comfort and behaviour on passive environmental design strategies in heritage buildings. Her areas of interest also include biophilic and regenerative design, as well as policy. Dr Wismayer has served as a consultant to Her Excellency, President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, on matters related to heritage architecture, biophilic design and environmental performance. She formed part of the Executive Council of the Kamra tal-Periti for almost a decade; having held the role of Honorary Secretary between 2013 and 2021, she was elected Vice-President in 2020. Her voluntary work now focuses on climate-adaptation research, as well as projects which target the socio-environmental and heritage agenda.

Dr Carla Camilleri

Carla Camilleri is the Assistant Director of aditus foundation, a Malta-based non-government organisation advocating for improved access to human rights protection.. A Maltese lawyer by profession, she was awarded her law degree in 2003 and in 2004 she completed her Magister Juris in EU and Comparative law, passed with distinction. Besides her work at aditus, Carla is also a casual lecturer at the University of Malta within the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Education. In her work at aditus foundation, Carla carries out advocacy work in the field of migration, LGBTIQ+ rights, access to justice, rule of law and governance issues. She is also one of the legal experts in the Fundamental Rights Agency FRANET team for Malta. In 2021, Carla was the project leader and member of the curatorial team for SABAR – The Malta Protests. The ensuing publication and website contain images and videos that conserve the collective memories of the people during this period. She also authored the Compendium of Asylum Jurisprudence, Law and Policy – A Collection of Maltese Asylum Case-Law, 2018 and Access to Legal Assistance in Malta: Mapping the Availability of Legal Assistance for the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Malta, 2017. Carla regularly contributes to id-Dritt Law Journal publishing Accelerated procedures in Maltese asylum law: Making Violations of Fundamental Rights the order of the day, Id-Dritt XXXII (2022) and Detention of asylum seekers in Malta – a study of Malta and Strasbourg Jurisprudence, Id-Dritt XXIX (2019). In addition, Carla also provides information, advice and legal services to a number of clients in aditus’ Pro Bono Unit in a number of sectors, which include migration and asylum, citizenship, LGBTI rights with a focus on transgender children, and anti-discrimination.

Dr Gege Gatt

Dr. Gege Gatt is the CEO of London-based company EBO.AI, an Artificial Intelligence enterprise which enables the automation and personalisation of engagement. He is a digital entrepreneur and IT-Law specialist. He serves as an Executive Board Member of the Malta IT Law Association and is a specialist examiner at the University of Malta. He’s a Board Member of Humanity 2.0 developed by the Holy See in Rome with a consortium of thought-leaders to identify and remove impediments to human flourishing.

Leanne Ellul

Leanne Ellul (1989) tgħallem il-Malti u tiggwida lill-istudenti fl-ewwel passi tagħhom fit-triq tal-kitba. Tikteb kemm poeżija kif ukoll proża. Fil-passat kitbet għat-teatru u għadha tikteb it-textbooks u kotba oħra għat-tfal. Ellul traduċiet ukoll numru ta’ xogħlijiet għall-Malti. Fl-2016 ġiet magħżula bħala l-awtriċi emerġenti tas-sena. L-ewwel kollezzjoni ta’ poeżiji tagħha jisimha L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaħla. It-tieni kollezzjoni ta' poeżiji tagħha hija parti mill-proġett interdixxiplinarju, Bjuda. Ellul taħdem ma’ numru ta’ entitajiet kulturali, fosthom Inizjamed u Fondazzjoni HELA.

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

Dean of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing at the University of Malta
Andrew Azzopardi is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing and former Head of the Department of Youth and Community Studies. His lecturing and research focus on inclusive education, sociology, critical pedagogy, disability politics, youth and community studies. He has contributed extensively in a number of other lauded journals, and has published various texts on disability politics, activism, community development, young people and inclusive education. He is a Member of the Editorial Panel of the highly acclaimed International Journal of Inclusive Education, and co-editor of Inclusive communities: A Critical Reader (2012). Azzopardi has also edited Youth: Responding to Lives – An International Reader (2013), co-edited Perspectives on wellbeing – a reader (2019) and also edited a research magazine, the first of its type. Andrew is passionate about social justice and takes clear positions on a number of social issues.

Organizing team


  • Jeremy Mifsud Bonnici
    Post production