x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 冒険と実験 Explore and Experiment

This event occurred on
October 16, 2022
京都市左京区北白川瓜生山, Kyôto

来たる2022年10月16日 (日) 京都芸術劇場春秋座をメインステージに、TEDˣKUA (KUAはKyoto University of the Artsの略)が開催されます!
The upcoming TEDˣKUA will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2022at the Kyoto Art Theater "Shunjuza"!
The organizers are about 30 students from Kyoto University of the Arts, who are currently studying at the university. Under the theme of "adventure and experimentation," we hope to share with you many exciting and thrilling experiences, as well as a step toward an as-yet-unseen future. Please enjoy a variety of talks set in the ancient capital of Kyoto, Japan!

Kyoto Art Theater Shunju-za
京都市左京区北白川瓜生山, Kyôto, 606-8271
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­K­U­A events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


システム思考教育者/System Thinking Educator
21世紀の社会とコミュニティを築く対話と共創へのアプローチとして、システム思考をはじめ「学習する組織」の複雑なコンセプトやツールを普段使いの言葉で伝える。 企業・NPOでのマネジメント研修やチームビルディング、教育機関での管理職・教職員向けワークショップ、生徒・児童向け講座まで実施。 世代を問わず参加者から好評を博している。 国内ベンチャー経営企画、在米ヘルスケア企業を経て、北米SoL(組織学習協会)に参画。 MIT上級講師で『学習する組織』著者ピーター・センゲの各種ワークショップの運営をサポート。As an approach to dialogue and co-creation that builds 21st century society and communities, he conveys the complex concepts and tools of the "learning organization," including systems thinking, in everyday language. He conducts management training and team building at corporations and NPOs, workshops for managers and faculty at educational institutions, and even courses for students and children. He has been well received by participants of all ages. After working in management planning for a Japanese venture company and a healthcare company in the U.S., he joined the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) in North America.

Akihiro YAMADA

老舗京料理店若主人/ Young owner chef
京都市生まれ。 1757年創業の老舗京料理店の10代目若主人。 幼少期より跡取りとなるべく育てられるが、中学から大阪で、大学は東京で、京都を内と外から見る。 大学では小規模な飲食店等における食品の安全性をテーマに投稿論文を執筆。 卒業後、家業である店に戻りゼロから料理の修行を行なう。 伝統や職人技術が色濃く残る和食業界にあって、現場を知った上で論理的に食の安全性を話すことができる数少ない存在。 コロナ禍で京都の地域としての食の魅力を広げる様に地元金融機関や百貨店と共同してmosaiQを立上げる。 He is the 10th young owner of Kyoto restaurant from 1757. He was raised from childhood to be an heir, he studied in Osaka from junior high and Tokyo from university, seeing Kyoto from the inside and outside. In university, he wrote a contributed paper on food safety in small restaurants. After graduation, he returned to family business and trained in cooking from scratch. In the "Washoku (Japanese food)" industry, where tradition and craftsmanship remain strong, he is one of the few people who can speak logically about food safety based on knowledge of the field. To expand the multifaceted appeal of food as a region of Kyoto in COVID-19, he started "mosaiQ" in collaboration with local financial institutions and department stores.

Feilang TSENG

ソーシャルデザイナー/Social Designer
サンフランシスコにて社会課題解決型のインダストリアルデザインを学び、卒業後インテリアデザイン会社でブランディングを手掛ける。2005年に帰国。京都でヘルスケア商品のプロダクトやUI・UXデザインのディレクションを行う。2016年より独立、京都市京北の茅葺古民家に住み、地域の魅力を引き出すコミュニティデザインを行う。現在は世界中の学生や、建築家、デザイナーを里山へ招き地域の智慧と世界の智慧を繋ぐ研修ツアーを企画運営。 After graduating from San Francisco with a college degree in industrial design for social issues, he worked in branding for an interior design firm. Back to Japan in 2005. She directs product and UI/UX design for healthcare products in Kyoto. Currently, she invites students, architects, and designers from all over the world to "Satoyama" to plan and manage study tours that connect local wisdom with global wisdom.


アーティスト、シューズデザイナー/Artist, Shoes Designer
広島県尾道市因島出身。京都芸術デザイン専門学校を卒業後、”Istituto MARANGONI”ミラノ校、ファッションデザインマスターコースにてディプロマを取得。帰国後、自然からインスピレーションを受け、ファイナルデザインをテーマにした靴の作品を最先端技術や伝統技術などを駆使して製作し、世界に向けて発表。現在は、バイオテクノロジーなど科学技術を取り入れたアート作品なども積極的に制作。2016年京都府文化賞奨励賞受賞。 アートユニットAnother Farmとしても、Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum、森美術館などグローバルに作品を発表。 After graduating from Kyoto Institute of Design, he studied in Italy. Diploma in Fashion Design Master Course at "Istituto MARANGONI" Milan. Since returning to Japan, he has been creating and presenting his shoe creations to the world using cutting-edge technology and traditional techniques, inspired by nature and the theme of "final design". Currently, he is also actively involved in artworks that incorporate biotechnology and other scientific technologies. In 2016, he received Encouragement Prize of the Kyoto Prefecture Cultural Award. His works are in the permanent collections of the National Museum in England, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Fashion Institute of Technology Museum in NY.


プロGPSランナー/Professional GPS Runner
建設コンサルタントと小学校教師を経て、2019年より世界初のプロ『GPSランナー』として活動をスタート。 スポーツとアートを融合させた「多世代参加型」「コロナ禍でもできるイベント」「SDGsスポーツ」 などをテーマに全国各地で講演やイベントを行う。 アジアオリンピック2026の公式イベント「GPS RUN ART」や、数々のテレビ番組のコンテンツ監修などを務める。 「“競わない”ランニング文化を創ること」が人生最大のミッション。 世界10ヵ国を駆け巡り、描いた作品数は約1100、走った距離はおよそ9,900km。(2022年9月現在)After working as a construction consultant and elementary school teacher, he started his career as the world's first professional "GPS runner" in 2019. He gives lectures and holds events throughout Japan on themes such as "multi-generational participation" that fuses sports and art, "events that can be done even with the Corona disaster," and "SDGs sports. He has worked on GPS RUN ART, the official event of the Asian Olympic Games 2026, and supervised content for numerous television programs. His greatest mission in life is to create a "non-competitive" running culture. He has traveled to 10 countries around the world, and has created approximately 1,100 works of art, covering a distance of 9,900 km (as of Sep 2022).

Takashi IWAMA

岩手県遠野市生まれ。 関東で建築の専門学校で学んだのち、乗馬クラブに就職するも、 地元に戻った後、2人のベテラン馬方に師事。 イギリスのチャールズ皇太子(現国王)主催の馬搬技術コンテスト・シングル部門で、 日本人として初優勝。 同年、欧州馬搬選手権シングル部門で7位入賞。 馬耕振興会設立や馬耕伝承会を開催、馬耕技術を受け継ぎ 伝える取組みを開始。 新潟県津南町にて、 育成した人材・馬とともに馬搬・ 馬耕の専門技術で農林業を行う日本初の企業を立ち上げる。After studying architecture at a technical school in the Kanto region, he worked at a horse riding club. After returning to hometown, he mastered techniques under two veteran horsemen. He was first Japanese winner in the single division of the horse logging contest hosted by Prince Charles of the U.K. (current King). In the same year, he won 7th place in the single division of the European Horse Logging Championships. He established the Horse Farming Promotion Association, held horse farming folklore meetings, and dedicate to pass on horse farming techniques to the next generation. In Tsunan Town, Niigata-Pref., he established Japan's first company specializing in agriculture and forestry with horse logging and farming, together with trained horseman and horses.


平和活動家/Peace Activist
(ビデオメッセージ)1990年11月5日、ザックがわずか7歳の時、父親のエルサイード・ノザイルはユダヤ人防衛同盟の指導者を射殺、獄中のノザイルは、他にも様々なテロ容疑で終身刑を宣告され、1993年の世界貿易センタービル爆破事件やオサマ・ビン・ラディンとの関連も指摘されています。 ザックにとってテロリズムに囲まれた子供時代がすべてでした。何年も正体を隠してきたザックは、平和への道について公の場で話し始め、2014年TEDカンファレンスでトークを行い『テロリストの息子』をTEDBooksから出版。2015年アメリカ図書館協会賞を受賞。 (Video message)Zak Ebrahim was only seven years old when, on November 5, 1990, his father, El-Sayyid Nosair, shot and killed the leader of the Jewish Defense League. While in prison, Nosair was sentenced to life during the New York City Bombing Plot which targeted the United Nations, the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, the George Washington Bridge, and the FBI's main New York office. For Ebrahim, a childhood amid terrorism was all he knew. After years of hiding his true identity Zak began to speak publicly about his path to peace. In 2014 he gave his first TEDtalk and wrote his first book, The Terrorist's Son: A Story of Choice through TEDBooks and Simon and Schuster. It won an American Library Association Award in 2015.

Organizing team


Kobe/Kyoto, Japan


Kyoto, Japan
  • Sakura Aragane
  • Shotaro Ichikawa
  • Yoichiro Okamura