x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
September 3, 2022
Morelia, Michoacán

The world has changed 18oº in just 2 years. Everything we’ve known, believed, and created has taken a different perspective. Now, we were obligated to use our imagination and create new ways of thinking, working, having human connections. Because of this, many people still find themselves lost, and looking for a way to find themselves in this revolution world. Featuring this topis will allow us to reimagine the new world we have in front of us and be a part of it

Teatro Mariano Matamoros
Centro histórico de Morelia, Morelia Michoacán
Morelia, Michoacán, 58000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ana Karen González Villalobos

Desde pequeña Ana Karen ha soñado con hacer un cambio en el mundo, le gusta emprender en todo tipo de proyectos, sin embargo, no siempre fue así, todo empezó cuando comenzó a creer en ella y dejó de tenerle miedo al "que dirán".

Ana Karen Ramirez Téllez

Karen Ramirez Tellez una chica, a veces cegada por la soberbia pero increíblemente talentosa, es Fundadora de una empresa social cuyo objetivo es cerrar la brecha de género en la ciencia y tecnología, dotando de educación a niñas y mujeres. Experta en educación STEM y futura astronauta. Es una apasionada por cerrar la brecha de género en el campo de la ciencia y tecnología y todos sus esfuerzos van alrededor de mejorar la educación de las niñas y mujeres.

Andrés Medina

Mercadólogo y comunicador de 22 años, le encanta correr y ha participado en distintos maratones apoyando diferentes causas, es emprendedor y nos enseña cómo compartir nuestros sueños.

Citlali Ocegueda

Passionate about people's mental health and emotional life. As well as promoter of Psychoeducation and emotional education of children, adolescents and their families. Citlali has been a collaborator of various projects and institutions including; the Project Antennas for children AC, DIF Morelia, DIF Michoacán and the area of psychology of the Judiciary in family matters. She is the founder and director of the Psychological Evolution Space, where they serve children and adolescents with the Eepsi team in Morelia. Likewise, the Association for the Care of Children and Adolescents.

Daniel Ramírez

Student of Environmental Sciences
Student of Environmental Sciences at UNAM. His participation in different movements and civil associations led him to obtain the Michoacan youth award with honorable mentions in 2019 and 2020. He has been part of the Citizen Council of Morelia, the Scout Association of Mexico, the Global Alliance of Young Politicians, among others. His main topics of interest are sustainable development, environmental protection and fair governance.

Daniel de Maria Campos

Ingeniero y DJ. Le apasiona la música y la tecnología. Siempre ha sido muy optimista y perseverante y le gustaría transmitir la buena vibra a los demás.

David Samra

Social Entrepeneur
David Samra social entrepreneur, unifier and humanitarian, founder of Hero, the philanthropic community that supports different causes. Member of the American Eagle International Youth Council, Bachelor of Business Administration from Anahuac University and Gallup University Certificate in the Cliffton Strengths model. Author of the book 100 voices, recognized in 2019 by "El Heraldo of Mexico" as one of the 9 promising young people in the country.

Emilia Pesqueira

Communicator, writer and feminist. Emilia is passionate about everything related to the feminist movement, gender issues and inclusion. It is in favor of creating and sharing safe spaces for dialogue and questioning. She is the author of two books and a social media content creator. Likewise, he teaches self-knowledge and introspection workshops through writing.

Emilio Trejo

Estudiante de la vida y líder. Le apasiona amar a la gente y el arte. Cree que no somos un número más en una estadística y somos profundamente amados.

Emilio Treviño

Emilio is an actor and singer of cinema, theater and television with 18 years of artistic career. It is characterized by participating in different film dubbing projects for all of Latin America, including; "Spider-Man into the spiderverse" as Miles Morales, "Dear Evan Hansen" as Evan, "The Lego Batman Movie" as Robin. In his theatrical career he has participated in various plays, some of them are: "Peter Pan", "Pinocchio", "La mil amores", etc. The announcement was recently made that he will participate as a film actor in a feature film by Director Carlos Carrera, which will be called "Confessions" and will be distributed by Sony Pictures.

Federico Mingramm

Mechatronics engineer and CENEVAL National Award for Excellence Performance. He was Project Manager at WATOTO (social robotics entrepreneurship) and Headcoach of Monarch-e (FIRST robotics group at ITESM campus Morelia) during the years 2020 and 2021, winning his team the award for Best Autonomous Robot (2020). He has been a Speaker at ITESM and NerdNites Morelia, giving talks on technological prototyping and high-impact entrepreneurship. He currently serves as CEO of MakerSite; high-impact entrepreneurship of which he has been a co-founder since 2019.

Fercho Urquiza

Car Racer
Fercho has a bachelor of Communication Sciences with a Postgraduate Degree in Digital Marketing. Since 2012 he has been a car driver. He is the champion of the National Rally Group 2 and the Pan-American Race (Historical A+). He has a radio show on Radar 107.5 FM called "Radar Speed." He is also a car restorer and content creator. He is the founder of the clothing brand "Leaving Dust" and an ambassador for brands such as "Porsche", "Michelin" and "Tag Heuer in Mexico".

Isaac Naim Rendón

Ingeniero, docente y fotógrafo. Le gusta tener metas bien definidas y se esmera en sus posibilidades verlas cumplidas para plantear nuevas que lo hacen superarse. Amigo, emprendedor y con muchas ganas de compartir.

Jesus Abraham Maya

19 años. Emprendedor social, amo la música, leer, los videojuegos, la animación y una buena taza de té.

Leonardo Macias

¿Cuántas veces no escuchamos sobre el tema? ¿Qué tanto se nos esconde? ¿Qué hay detrás de todo lo que no vemos?

Leonora Vega

Social Activist
Environmental activist and the fight for the most disadvantaged. Leonora is a member of different organizations such as Global Shapers, Soñar Despierto, exatec leadership, among others, in addition to being chosen as generation leader at Tec de Monterrey generation 2021. Passionate about human relationships and creator of the Communication and Empathy Challenge. He currently works at Odoo Inc, a software company, in San Francisco, California.

Mauricio Guzmán

Industrial engineer with a master's degree in Organizational Psychology and musician. He is an entrepreneur at heart, thanks to his coffee business he has managed to reach new horizons. He has developed as a business consultant; helping entrepreneurs and businessmen to grow from the technical side and promoting their passion for what they do.

Mercedes Palomar

Co-Founder LadyMultitask + Business Woman
Mercedes grew up surrounded by great women who taught her the importance of having a support network that adds up. She is the co-founder of "Lady Multitask", the largest women's community in Latin America. With this support network, she seeks to inspire and help other women find their passion and thus make a life project that allows them financial independence and personal growth. It has a presence in 80 cities, 12 countries and is made up of more than 1,200,000 members.

Noemí Valencia

Education Innovator
Co-founder of Varmond School, has dedicated the last 25 years of her life to creating efficient and innovative learning environments in the K-9 setting. His school has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School. Noemí has dedicated herself to redefining learning and has spearheaded an educational revolution in Latin America. In 2014, he co-founded Knotion, an EdTech company that is positioned as the best comprehensive solution for basic education. Likewise, she is a multifaceted woman and is an adviser to the OECD in the Education 2030 Framework for Action, representative of PISA for schools in Mexico and co-author of 18 ebooks published in 52 countries.

Paula Macouzet

Arquitecta, artista y emprendedora siempre con un enfoque altruista, busca contagiarnos de esa pasión y alegría para construir un mundo más justo y llenarlo de color

Pico Navarro

Pico Navarro es Moreliano de 31 años, soy licenciado en arte y animación digital y creador de contenido para redes sociales

Rana Sabra

Business & Success Coach
Rana is Result-Focused Success Coach, mother, founder, global speaker, and university professor dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their dreams. She has supported over two thousand clients and students with their business growth and created a tested-framework for growing and scaling their businesses. "I believe you can, should, and will have it all. That begins with developing confidence and backing it with a plan to move toward your dreams." - Rana Sabra

Raquel Reyes

Engineer + STEM activist
He is a student of Engineering in Innovation and Development at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, and is currently part of the Tec de Querétaro Ambassadors Program. She is also a scientific communicator and worker for educational development in Mexico and Latin America. In November 2020, he founded a popular science blog called "Disrupcion", through which he shares stories that promote the culture of learning and thus change the meaning of social networks with an educational approach. Her passion for the world of the aerospace industry led her to get work on a project that develops a mechanism for lunar exploration. Same that will be launched in October this year from the International Space Station.

Rebeca Schürenkämper

Rebeca es creadora de contenido, feminista, diseñadora gráfica y artista. Parte de fundaciones que buscan la prevención del suicidio en jóvenes y una persona con un hermoso corazón.

Salma Ruelas

Sustainable Fashion Activist
Salma has a degree in Marketing and Business from Tec de Monterrey. Creator of the page @Nosoyfast, where she promotes sustainable fashion on instagram She has a master's degree in Fashion, Styling and Audiovisual Media from UC3M and Condé Nast College Spain. He has collaborated in the magazine Glamor Spain and Elle Mexico.

Santiago Marquina

Lecturer and content creator on mental health.
He is a very passionate 21-year-old. After experiencing one of the most difficult stages of her life with a severe mental health crisis, she realized the lack of information on the subject. This is how, through conferences and content creation, he has tried to change the perception of mental health and adolescent suicide.

Ulises Sanpe

Ulises es ingeniero, le gustan los idiomas, viajar y compartir ideas

Organizing team


Morelia, Mexico
  • Juan Pablo Ireta
  • Karla Angelica Bañuelos