x = independently organized TED event

Theme: eQuality

This event occurred on
June 25, 2021
Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna

Se è vero che le parole creano mondi e che raccontare le cose le fa esistere, TEDxReggioEmilia, nel suo decimo anniversario, vuole testimoniare come attraverso la forza delle parole sia possibile lottare per i propri diritti con lealtà e rispetto, farsi valere senza rabbia, raccontare senza retorica e cambiare con coraggio.

Progettare un mondo diverso, più giusto: un mondo di uomini e donne più felici e fedeli a se stessi.
Ciò che sembra dissonante può non esserlo. I contrasti possono appianarsi.
I pregiudizi possono scomparire.

Mai come in questo momento storico, schiacciati dall’assenza di sicurezze e bloccati in una realtà distopica in cui spazio e tempo sembrano sospesi, c’è bisogno di parole incoraggianti, di favorire un uso della tecnologia inclusivo e consapevole, per porre il focus sulla bellezza dentro e intorno a noi, per farci ispirare e trovare nuove motivazioni.
Un nuovo Umanesimo, che parta dalle parole e dagli esempi concreti, per insegnare alle bambine e ai bambini, alle ragazze e ai ragazzi, che possono essere tutto quello che vogliono e che possono pensarsi e progettare le loro vite senza paura, con convinzioni ma senza convenzioni.

Uguaglianza, inclusione, femminismo, talento, diritti, ambiente, tecnologia, consapevolezza.

Possiamo cambiare il mondo, una parola alla volta.

Chiostri di San Pietro
Via Emilia San Pietro, 44c
Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, 42121
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Reggio­Emilia events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Antonella Lo Coco

Multifaceted artist and singer
Antonella has Sicilian origins, but grew up in Emilia Romagna. Since when she was a child, she has always had a clear passion: singing on stage. When she was 16, she formed her first band, as a singer and an author of her own songs. She was also a member of Shadow Zone, that opened Elisa's concerts at Arena di Verona and Pesaro in 2008. The year 2012 marked a turning point, when she reached the last round of the fifth X Factor edition. Antonella was named the "moral winner" Antonella also started a career in cinema, as an actress and a singer-songwriter (Ci vuole un gran fisico – by Sophie Chiarello, 2013). She also collaborated with Italian singers, such as Fiorella Mannoia, Loredana Bertè and Emis Killa. In June 2019 her single FELICI IN DUE was released, a song about her love story with the woman she got married to, which had a strong media impact due to the sensitive subject discussed.

Arianna Ortelli

Startupper and CEO of NovisGames
Arianna was born in 1996; she studied Management at the University of Turin and got a Masters Degree in Business Administration. During her third year in university, she attended the School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Turin, and discovered her entrepreneurial vocation. She founded Novis, an innovative social impact startup, to concretely give life to the idea of a gaming platform that can also be used without seeing, realizing her dream of making a game experience also accessible to the blind and visually impaired people, and promoting an active lifestyle based on team spirit. In less than a year, the first ever gaming platform for the blind and visually impaired people was developed, making it possible for them to autonomously experience the physical and emotional dimension of videogames by using audible and tactile elements. She is also keen on sports and an enthusiastic supporter of the Torino Football Club.

Bellamy Ogak

Blogger, activist and creator of the online platform AfroitalianSouls
Bellamy is a cultural curator, an anti-racist activist, a co-founder and media producer of Afroitalian Souls. She currently also deals with communication and the coordination of international development and cooperation projects. Moreover, she has recently co-conducted “Equalitalk. Razzismo Made in Italy', an Audible podcast. Afroitalian Souls is a digital platform dedicated to Italians of African origins, created as a response to the invisibility issues black people in Italy are facing in the eyes of the institutions, society and traditional media. The quotation that best represents her is by Maya Angelou: "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and style".

Ivana Bartoletti

Technical Director - privacy expert and co-founder of the Woman Leading in AI network
Ivana Bartoletti is a privacy, ethics and governance professional in the field of Artificial Intelligence and new technologies. She is the author of "An Artificial Revolution: on Power, Politics and AI" (Indigo Press, 2020) and co-editor of AI Book (by Wiley, 2020) on AI in financial services; she is also a Visiting Policy Fellow at the University of Oxford and a consultant for global organizations. In 2019 she was awarded "Woman of the Year" in the CyberSecurity Awards in London.

Lorenzo Gasparrini

Blogger, antisexist activist and research fellow in Aesthetics
Lorenzo Gasparrini was born in Rome in 1972. During his philosophy studies and a short academic career in different universities in Central Italy, he came across the most influential texts and protagonists of the feminist movements; then, further to a deep personal development, he decided to dedicate to the spreading and popularization of themes of gender studies, above all with the aim of creating more awareness in men. He holds seminars, workshops and laboratories in universities, social centres, companies, schools, and self-organized groups, etc.; he regularly publishes articles on technical journals and non-specialist magazines, both online and offline. He is the author of "Perché il femminismo serve anche agli uomini" (Eris, 2020), "NO. Del rifiuto e del suo essere un problema maschile". (Effequ, 2019), "Non sono sessista, ma… Il sessismo nel linguaggio contemporaneo" (TLON, 2019) and "Diventare uomini. Relazioni maschili senza oppressioni" (Settenove, 2016, 2020 new edition).

Luca Trapanese

Co-founder of the non-profit organization Associazione A ruota libera
Luca was born in Naples in 1977. He is the adoptive father of a little girl with Down syndrome. He loves India and Africa, where he has always volunteered and coordinated very important projects. His spiritual growth developed after travelling to Lourdes by the so-called "White Train", where he created deep relationships with a lot of young people with disabilities. In 2007 he founded the non-profit organization A ruota libera Onlus, he also recently founded iL BORGO SOCIALE, a micro-community for parentless young people with disabilities, as well as LA CASA DI MATTEO" the first community in Southern Italy to welcome abandoned children with severe congenital anomalities, disabilities and tumors. His life experience is described in the book written in collaboration with L. Mercadante: Nata per te. Storia di Alba raccontata tra noi, by Einaudi Stile Libero (2018), and Vi Stupiremo con difetti speciali, by Giunti (2019), in collaboration with P. Rinaldi

Marcella Corsi

Full professor of economics and coordinator of Minerva: Laboratory on Diversity and Gender Inequality
Marcella is a Full Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, where she is the coordinator of Minerva - Laboratory on Diversity and Gender Inequality ( She is one of the founders of web magazine and the Chief editor of the International Review of Sociology. For several years, Marcella has been collaborating with the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, and has been a consultant for the European Parliament, the European Commission and OECD on gender equality and social inclusion themes. She is currently carrying out a research project for Italy, called VIRAGE, financed by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission and coordinated by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels.

Sara Manfredi

Artistic director, freelance curator and co-founder di CHEAP Street Poster Art Festival
Sara Manfredi is an art director and independent curator. She grew up in Emilia Romagna and studied in Bologna, where she found an interest in the underground art scene, and participated with her creative ideas in the cultural working of self-managed spaces, community radios and independent art spaces. Since 2013 she has been one of the founders of CHEAP, the public art project "contaminating" public spaces in Bologna with paste-up poster installations. She has been living in Germany since 2017, where she collaborates with artists, festivals and art spaces in the local scene: public art, contemporary visual languages and decolonizing practices are the core of her research. An intersectional feminist and activist, over the years she has developed an insane passion for racing cycling, monumental cemeteries and classic method wines.

Organizing team


Bologna, Italy

