x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Unplug 洄游

This event occurred on
October 17, 2020
Nanjing, Jiangsu

The drastic progress of technological innovations in contemporary society caused revolutionary change in communication and accelerated people's living pace. Everyday, we work 8 hours or even more time on our jobs, purchase delivery for meals and watch short videos or go shopping on smartphones for relax. This is the life that we are living, but is this the live that we want to live? Unplug is the process of thinking. Its form can be differentiated. I would like to invite people to share their own stories about how they get lost and find themselves again through their own unplug process.

XuanWu district, ZiJingHua Road Number 66
Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210000
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­C­C­A­N­J events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alec Xu

出任多家国际金融机构和跨国公司高管;多家大型民企和海外上市公司CFO、COO、CEO。 拥有互联网领域3年自主创业经历。 受邀担任多家高校客座导师。主持战略规划、企业运营、业务财务一体化管理、 金融运作、香港/美国IPO工作,累计完成近100亿 美元规模资本运作、资产重组、兼并收购。 研究涉及快消、工业制造、房地产、新能源、文旅 健康、影视娱乐等领域Senior Partner @ Verses International 致力于区块链及人工智能行业评估与技术应用转化。 译作《智慧空间》/《The Spatial Web》连续登顶顶Amazon高星畅销榜。

Mary Gu

Activist, student
I am Mary Gu, a student from Nanjing Crosspoint. I used to be an introverted girl, but since stepping into high school; the whole English-speaking policy and school activities stimulate my potential and courage to speak out. I have gained tremendous passion for learning literature. Also, I become more dauntless in sharing my own opinions with others as well as organizing activities. Last year, I have become one of the directors of the drama performance Romeo and Juliet. I am an editor of the school magazine and also published several articles on school WeChat account with more than 3,000 view. Through those processes, I was so paralyzed with the experience of teaching and guiding my peers. Genuinely, I wish I can have more chance to speak in the public for self-expression.

Steven Diamttei

Educator, Principal
Steven DiMattei has been actively involved with international education in China for the past 7 years, during which time he has helped establish 3 different American international programs in China. Formerly an Assistant Professor in the Honors College at the University of Houston and a Visiting Professor at Cornell University, Dr. DiMattei’s interests revolve around the importance of Humanities education. He holds a Doctorate in Ancient Literature from the University of Paris IV, MA degrees in Classics and Comparative Literature from Indiana University, and a BA in Music Performance from the University of Buffalo. He has published over a half-dozen scholarly articles in academic journals as well as a book on ancient Hebrew literature. Today, he is still actively involved in ensuring that his current American-bound Chinese students receive a top-quality international education where values such as introspection, creative and abstract thinking, and self-discovery are nurtured.

Yu Sun

孙钰教授:博士毕业于英国伯明翰大学,现任伯明翰大学-东南大学生物医学工程联合中心执行主任,伯明翰大学-东南大学国际儿童影像科学研究实验室主任,东南大学-南京生物材料与医疗器械研究所副所长。 在东南大学获得学士和硕士学位后,于2000年获得英国政府提供的海外学生全额奖学金赴英留学,在英国伯明翰大学电子,电气和计算机系统学院获得博士学位。毕业后在伯明翰大学癌症和基因科学学院和儿童健康研究所,从事基于高级磁共振技术在儿童脑肿瘤等疾病中的应用和研究。自2006年开始参加和主持多项欧盟和英国国家大型科研项目的研发,多年来专注于磁共振影像技术和人工智能技术在脑科学,生物医学工程和神经教育领域的前沿科研和高级研发,并将创新的科研成果广泛应用于脑科学研究,儿童早期发育和神经教育,脑疾病早期检测和智能辅助诊断系统等领域。目前带领中英团队,重点探索基于全生命周期的遗传、环境、教育等因素的健康大数据研究,深入推动科学研究和研发相关的智能医学设备和仪器,脑疾病的智能辅助诊断系统和检测产品,儿童早期发展脑智评测和学习评测系统,同时打造集科学研究、成果转化、高层次人才培养和产业集聚为一体的科技创新及技术成果转化的世界级平台。

传举 管

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
家传中医 南京正因堂中医诊所负责人 安徽阜阳卫生学校中医专业毕业 中国中医科学院针灸研究所高级进修班结业 台湾邱雅昌博士入室弟子,“董针”第四代传人 原上海中经堂区域技术总监、门店总经理 擅长急症治疗及亚健康调理 在中医骨伤科、妇科、儿科领域有独特治疗调理方法。

Organizing team


Nanjing, China


  • Ariel Cheng