x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 元 Meta

This event occurred on
July 14, 2019
Haidian, Beijing

TEDxHaidian是经TED官方授权,在海淀区独立举办的TEDx组织,旨在深挖海淀优秀文化,进行提炼和传播。致力于结合新时代主题,持续探讨科技、娱乐、 设计等内容,活化当地社区,打造海淀IP。



Shark Space
Haidian Zhongguancun
Haidian, Beijing, 100000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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AIien Wang

王心磊 Alien ARK Federation联合创始人& CEO 设计圈的“左手怪咖”,曾任职于微软、Frog Design,拥有近20年广告、交互、视觉和产品创新经验。2012年与合伙人创立ARK创新咨询,亲自操刀腾讯、阿里巴巴、得到等知名企业的产品创新与设计工作,帮助老牌快餐品牌肯德基构建了线上线下无缝融合的全新体验,至今仍为国内不少知名企业的御用设计顾问。 ARK的重要产品: ARKIE(设计型智能技术服务商)同时为吴晓波频道、上海时装周等4000家品牌提供智能设计服务。 ARK Federation Co-founder and CEO The first Chinese design director at frog design. He has involved in developing innovative strategy and designing products at KFC, Tencent, Alibaba and other famous companies such as for nearly 20 years. Until now, he is still the dedicated design consultant of many famous companies in China.ARK's important products: ARKIE (Design Intelligent Technology Service Provider), provides intelligent design services for 4,000 brands including Wu Xiaobo Channel and Shanghai Fashion Week.

Ivy Niu

牛瑞雪 Ivy NIU 北京ONE艺术创意机构创始人,27院儿大当家 策划人|戏剧人|城市文化规划师|专业品牌战略顾问 曾任大型电视节目撰稿人、戏剧导演、戏剧制作人、电影项目总监。2013年发起并策划北京ONE艺术周,至今成功举办四届;参与制作故宫数字博物馆《写生珍禽图》大型数字项目。2016年创立北京一吨象文化产业发展有限责任公司,组建文化艺术空间——27院儿,并出任北京国际设计周朝阳门分会场总策划。 Beijing ONE Arts Festival Founder& CEO The captain of 27 Yard Culture Centre Plotter \dramatist\ city culture of planner\brand consultant She has served as a TV show contributor, drama director, drama producer, and film project director. In 2013, she launched and planned Beijing ONE Art Festival, and has successfully held four sessions so far. She participated in the production of the large-scale digital project of the Palace Museum in Beijing. In 2016, she established Beijing One Arts Festival, and established a cultural and artistic space—27 Yard Culture Centre. She served as the general plan of the Chaoyangmen branch of Beijing International Design Week.

Jin Gu

顾晋 Gu Jin 北京大学首钢医院院长、博士生导师,活跃于学术舞台传播最新科研成果,是外科领域有口皆碑的行业权威;全国人大代表、畅销书作家、开展医学科普工作的微博大V,活跃于演讲平台散播人性关怀的温度,是曾因“建议全民开展死亡教育”登上微博热搜的“网红医师”。 Dean of the Shougang Hospital of Peking University \Doctoral tutor \The NPC deputies\Best-selling authors Gu Jin is not only an industry authority with a reputation in the field of surgery, but also is active in the academic field to disseminate the latest scientific research results. He once set off a whirlwind of popular discussion about “Advocating the topic of death education for all the people” in “hottest topic” on Weibo.

Xiao Lu

小鹿 微博:@小鹿-单口喜剧 微信公众号:@小鹿呓语 执业律师,单口喜剧演员、编剧,单立人喜剧当家花旦。 《晚安朋友圈》、《摩登嘻哈秀》等多档综艺节目编剧。先后在国内多地参与演出近千场,并举办《小鹿乱撞》、《鹿见不平》个人专场,是中国唯一拥有2个个人专场的女单口喜剧演员。 Xiao Lu Weibo@小鹿-单口喜剧 Wechat Subscription@小鹿呓语 A Certified lawyer, a stand-up comedian. Signed comedian of Danliren Comedy. Xiao Lu was the head writer of many variety shows such as “Tonight ”“MDSK Show”. She has performed around 1000 live shows around China and owns 2 Chinese comedy specials—“Xiao Lu Luan Zhuang” and “Lu Jian Bu Ping”, which creates a record in Chinese female comedians.

Yizhe Gan

甘宜哲,北京贝壳友家科技有限公司创始人兼CEO,本科毕业于北京大学法学院。作为一名90后创业者,甘宜哲曾先后创立过两家估值数亿公司,是京东集团创始人刘强东的创业学生。 福布斯亚洲2019年三十岁以下精英榜 福布斯中国2018年三十岁以下精英榜 胡润百富2018年30X30创业领袖 猎云网2018年创业新锐 北京大学光华管理学院MBA创业周课程客座讲师 中国人民大学高礼研究院英才发展中心副主任 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gan Yizhe, founder and CEO of Beijing Beike Youjia Technology CO.,Ltd., graduated from Peking University Law School. As a post-90s entrepreneur, Gan Yizhe has created two valuation companies with hundreds of millions of valuations, Is an entrepreneurial student of Jingdong Group's founder Liu Qiangdong. Forbes Asia 2019 under 30 years old elite list Forbes China 2018 under 30 years old elite list The richest people of China 2018 30X30 Entrepreneur Leader Hunting Cloud Network 2018 Entrepreneurship Guest Lecturer, MBA Entrepreneurship Week, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Deputy Director of the RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA HILLHOUSE ACADEMY

Zhou Zhou

周洲 Zhouzhou 有养创始人兼CEO,父母教育理念先行者。 前央视主持人、儿童剧制作人。作为“中国见孩子最多的人之一”,上知为父母者之迷茫,下懂孩子们的内心戏,专注于家庭亲密关系的培养。 创办「有养」,以“给孩子更好的父母”为使命,打造网综节目、短视频及知识付费内容矩阵,解决⽗母问题,终结问题⽗母,奠定正能量教养观。 Founder and CEO of YouYang, Pioneer of parental education concept. Former experienced CCTV host, producer of Children's Drama. As “one that has seen a large number of children”, having a good understanding of parents’ puzzle as well as children’s inner thoughts; focusing on the cultivation of intimate family relationship. Established YouYang, aiming to provide better parents for children; Build the content matrix of YouYang, including online variety shows, PGC videos and parenting knowledge products, solve parenting problems, settle down parenting problems, and lay foundation to a positive attitude towards parenting.

Organizing team


Shanghai, China


Anshan, China
  • Chiao Hui Chen
  • DongYu Cheng
  • Joey Yeh
  • Kuo Zi Ling
  • Rui Han
  • Shaozhen Hou