x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Master your Choices

This event occurred on
March 24, 2018
Bucharest, București

TEDxUniversitateaPolitehnicaBucurești este un eveniment de o zi ce aduce pe scena Universității Politehnica din București discursuri unice realizate în stilul TEDx. Ne adresăm tuturor persoanelor curioase, dornice de noi experiențe, dispuse să împărtășească idei și să învețe de la cei din jur. Mizăm pe contactul cu noi perspective, ce vor deveni surse de inspirație pentru viața personală sau cea profesională a participanților.

Nucleul ediției 2018 aduce în prim plan conceptul de ”Master your Choices”. Subiectele abordate în discursurile speakerilor invitați se vor concentra în jurul artei de a lua decizii, o abilitate ce a trecut de la stadiul de avantaj la cel de imperativ în societatea actuală. Dorim să lărgim orizonturile spectatorilor, să aducem pe scenă mărturii vii, palpabile, care prin rolul de suport natural și plauzibil al noțiunilor prezentate, să declanșeze sentimentul de empatie al spectatorului. Luarea de decizii reprezintă un subiect destul de complex, dar considerăm că prin abordarea acestei teme facilităm cu adevărat învățarea din experiența altor persoane, ce se răsfrânge pe o gamă largă ca și context, domeniu sau consecințe.

În ceea ce privește temele și noțiunile atinse, mizăm pe varietate, și nu pe o rețetă universală și general aplicabilă. Tocmai prin această diversitate promovăm o interacțiune benefică în comunitatea noastră locală, încurajând o atitudine informată, proactivă, conștientă de actualitate și gata de a face cea mai bună alegere pentru statutul său individual. Experiența, motivația și plăcerea de a împărtăși idei sunt instrumentele la care apelăm pentru a susține propagarea unor viziuni noi și pentru a inspira oameni prin calitatea conceptelor prezentate.

Amfiteatrul Radu Voinea, Rectoratul UPB
313 Splaiul Independenței
Bucharest, București, 060042
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Universitatea­Politehnica­București events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alexandra Cernian

University Lecturer, Consultant, Digital Expert
Alexandra Cernian is a university lecturer, trainer and consultant. Her expertise centers itself within domains like Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering and Machine Learning.

Ana-Maria Udriște

Lawyer, PhD in Competition Law, Avocatoo Founder
Ana Maria Udriște is a lawyer and founder of Avocatoo and Jurio, two very popular legal startups that resemble her interest regarding technology and its effectiveness in the legal field and not only.

Bogdan Nicolai

Radio/TV Maker, Screenwriter, Writer, Corporate Events Host
Bogdan Nicolai is a TV and radio producer, screenwriter and author. Visibly disturbed by any act of sexism, extremist nationalism, racism, xenophobia or intolerance to sexual freedom, he published dozens of articles that penalize discrimination of any kind and supported its case through numerous public speeches, including the European Parliament.

Damian Drăghici

"Un om și atât"
Damian Drăghici is a musician, composer and a deputy in the European Parliament but he claims to be ‘a man and only that’. He graduated from Berklee College of Music (the first Romanian musician to accomplish this), being awarded Magna cum laude diploma in jazz performances, and a flute bachelor's degree.

Dan Popa

Entrepreneur and Inventor, Creator of "Stația de Joacă"
Dan Popa has a medical degree and he completed his residency in family medicine. After a long journey of self-discovery, Dan is now an inventor and entrepreneur.

Flavia Popa

“Păstrător de Secrete”
Flavia Popa is the General Secretary of one of the largest banks in Romania (BRD Groupe Societe Generale) and she is often associated with the title ’Păstrător de secrete’.

Janina Nectara Constantin

First Fashion Blogger in Romania
Janina Nectara Constantin is the first Fashion Blogger in Romania and one of the promoters of fashion blogging worldwide, creator of FashionAvecPassion platform and ambassador for the humanitarian project Chime For Change.

Manuel Costescu

Managing Director - Abney Advisory
Manuel Costescu is a London based independent consultant at the confluence of finance, management, and technology. Throughout his career, Manuel has been a trainer and mentor, delivering lectures at top universities around the world.

Marius Leordeanu

University Lecturer, Expert in Robotics and Computational View
Marius Leordeanu is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department within University Politehnica of Bucharest, computer vision and robotics expert and collaborator of Romanian Academy. Moreover, he is also an author, having published 2 volumesof poems.

Mona Nicolici

Engineer, TV Anchor, Corporate, "Schimbă-Lume"
Mona Nicolici is Sustainability Manager at OMV Petrom and ‘Schimbă-lume’ în Țara lui Andrei, a corporate social responsibility (CSR) platform. Mona was a pioneer of the CSR domain in Romania; she is the person who has the courage to change mentalities, ask questions, dismantle prejudices and prove that it can be spring ... even with one flower.

Tedy Necula

Film Director, Producer, Inspirational Speaker
Tedy Necula is a film director, producer for the Inspirational Filmmaking company, creative director for The Handicapped. Tedy is the only disabled film director in Romania and a great motivational speaker.

Trupa Nebotezată

Theatre Troupe
Trupa Nebotezată is a theatre troupe which mostly consists of students of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology and incessantly proves that art has no ‘technical’ boundaries. Their plays vary from sketches and absurd theatre to original plays created by them.

Vladimir Oane

UberVu Founder, Board President of Innovation Labs
Vladimir Oane is a successful entrepreneur, founder of uberVU and Board President of Innovation Labs - the largest pre-acceleration program for technical start-ups in Romania.

Organizing team


Bucharest, Romania


Bucharest, Romania
  • Adrian Rădulescu
    Post production
  • Adriana Măgureanu
  • Alexandra-Polixenia Paraschivoiu
  • Andra Tudorie
    Team member
  • Andreea Oltean
  • Andrei Terecoasă
  • Andrei Răpciugă
  • Demeter Andrei
  • Ioana Iancu
  • Lucian Gruia
  • Marius Neacșu
  • Mihai Petrescu
  • Oana Şubea
  • Otilia Baltatescu
  • Paula Avasiloaie
  • Simina Rădescu
  • Ştefan Costea
  • Theo Pînzariu