x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Girdap (Vortex)

This event occurred on
December 3, 2016
İstanbul, İstanbul

Vortex: Pulling You In"

İniş çıkışlarla dolu hayatımız bizleri sürükleyen, sonu bilinmeyen bir girdaptır aslında. Bazen kaybolur kaçmaya çalışırız, bazen de içine dalar daha da hızlı yüzmeye çabalarız. Peki anlam veremediğimiz, tehlikeli bir yer ve durum olarak düşündüğümüz bu doğa mucizesinin bizim ve insanlık için başka bir anlamı olabilir mi?

Önümüzde insanlığın gerek teknolojik gerek bilimsel gerek de sosyal alanlarda içine sürüklendiği, bir girdaba doğru çekiliyormuşçasına ilerleyen bir gelecek var. TEDxKoçUniversity olarak ilerleyişi ve sonunun belirsizliğiyle yüreklerimize korku işleyen bu girdapların akışına kendimizi bırakıp onların bizi götürdüğü ve götürebileceği yerlere gitmenin olumsuz sonuçlarının yanında olumlu neticeler de yaratıp yaratmayacağının merakı içindeyiz. Diğer bir yandan; girdabın aksi yönüne doğru yüzebilir miyiz, ona karşı çıkabilir miyiz veya başka bir akıntıya açılan kapıyı keşfedip oradan kendimize yeni bir yol çizebilir miyiz gibi sorular üzerine kafa yoruyoruz.

The event will be held in Turkish

Sevgi Gönül Auditorium
Koç Üniversitesi, Rumelifeneri Yolu, Sarıyer
İstanbul, İstanbul, 34450
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Biz Evde Yokuz

Duygu Şar was born in Kars in 1983 and Bilgehan Çelik was born in Konya in 1982. When their paths came across in 2012, they have both come a long way in their carriers. Bilge was a manager in a company for 7 years and Duygu was a freelance art project coordinator. They have created a bucket list to complete before their life comes to an end. After not being able to accomplish the wishes in the list as they desired, they have started questioning their life. They both resigned from their jobs and founded the website BizEvdeYokuz.com. Their website is now visited by hundreds and thousands of people that search for ideas and used as a source of unusual adventures and activities. They have experimented many formulas to find a balance between their work and their dreams. Even though they faced many problems after leaving their life in order, they have finally collected the fruits of their hard work.

Bager Akbay

Bager Akbay was born in Istanbul in 1976. He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Design from Yildiz Technical University and in Interface Cultures from University of Art and Design, Linz. After working as an actor and puppeteer at Kara Tiyatro in Istanbul, he continues lecturing in his area of expertise in several universities and lives an experimentalist life between art and science. Apart from his life as an instructor, he works an advisor for the firms in design sector and continues doing art work in a studio named Iskele47.

Bülent Köstem

After graduating from business school, he took part as project manager in 1st Black Sea Games and in similar grand projects. He started working on Cittaslow and several projects with Seferihisar Municipality in 2009. Seferihisar being Turkey’s first Cittaslow, he became the Technical Coordinator of Turkey for Cittaslow network. He developed some projects in accordance with slow philosophy in Seferihisar and supported multiple cities to spread this successful model in Turkey and in TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). Kostem is the President of Yavaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği which works on the topics such as: preservation of the nature and excessive consumerism. In his leisure time, he likes to fix his 85 model car and does carpentry work. Along with being a college senior in Sociology, he is the coordinator at Akademi Karşıyaka which aims to develop the connection between civil society, universities and municipalities.

Cem Say

Cem Say is a professor in Boğaziçi University's Department of Computer Engineering since 1992. He worked on the limits of the artificial intelligence technique of qualitative simulation, and Turkish natural language understanding. His recent areas of interest are the natural limitations of Artificial Intelligence, quantum computation, and theoretical computer science.

Ethem Özgüven

Ethem Özgüven Anadolu Üniversitesi ve Marmara Üniversitesi’nde Film ve Televizyon alanlarında eğitim görmüştür. Bilgi Üniversitesi’nde eğitim vermektedir. Yaratıcısı olduğu "CONTRA" konseptinde tüketim reklamcılığının bir takım özellikleri görülse de, pazar ürünlerinin gösterimine ve bunların sosyal-çevresel haklarla değiş-tokuş yapılmasına karşı çıkılmaktadır. Özgüven'in eserleri 50'den fazla pek çok ülkenin festivallerinde ve platformlarında gösterilmiştir. Kendisi, Altın Portakal Belgesel, Film & Video Festivali(1995-1996) de dahil festivaller için konseptler yaratmış, bu etkinlikleri yönetmiştir. Özgüven şu anda BIFED'in (Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary) koordinatörlüğünü yapmaktadır.

Mert Fırat

Mert Fırat was born in Ankara in 1981. After graduating from high school, he went to Sweden to receive training in radio and television. Later he moved back to Ankara and earned a Bachelor's degree in Theater from Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography. He has starred in a series of television programs and movies since 2005. He also played the lead role in the film “Love in Another Language”, the script of which was written by Fırat himself along with director İlksen Başarır. Fırat also wrote the script for the film titled “Atlıkarınca” (Merry-go-round).

Ozan Kara

Ozan Kara is graduated from Istanbul Technical University Astronautical Engineering Department in 2014. He is the Research and Teaching Assistant at KOC University Mechanical Engineering Department. Small satellites, rocket propulsion and Mars mission design optimization are his major research fields. Furthermore, he is conducting research on neuroscience in space and systems engineering. He is the first Turkish Delegate who participated International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Young Professional workshop in 2012. He is still an active representative of Turkey at the IAC since 2012. He is the member of Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) in support of United Nations. He is the only Turkish delegate participated SGAC European Space Agency (ESA) Evolution Workshop in 2014.

Patrick Metzger

Patrick Metzger is a writer, musician, and product manager. Patrick grew up in Chattanooga, TN and graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 2010. In his professional life, he has spent time composing, performing, teaching, analyzing social networks at startups, and helping to provide strategic vision for technology at national nonprofits. He identified the musical phenomenon called the Millennial Whoop—an idea that has since gone viral. Living in Beacon, New York, he works at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, is a contributor at Quartz, and writes regularly on his own blog, ThePatterning.com.

Petra Holzer

Petra Holzer, Viyana Üniversitesi'nin Medya ve İletişim Bölümü'nde master eğitimi almış ve Tiyatro Sanatı Bölümü'yle yandal yapmıştır. "CONTRA" sayesinde bir çok kampanyada rol almıştır. Parçası olduğu eserler bir çok ülkenin televizyon kanallarında gösterildi. “FIMA Intercultural Video Workshops" kurucularındandır. Altın Portakal Kısa Film Festivali gibi festivallerde küratör, uluslararası ilişkiler sorumlusu ve eğitmen olarak çalışmıştır. Makaleleri bir çok dergide yayımlanmıştır. Şu anda BIFED'in (Bozcaada International Festival for Ecological Documentary) direktörlüğünü yapmaktadır.

Pınar Mengüç

Professor Mengüç has completed his BS and M.S. degrees at the Middle East Technical University (METU), in Ankara, Turkey. He has received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, Indiana, USA in 1985. He joined the faculty at the University of Kentucky the same year, and was promoted to the ranks of associate and full professor in 1988 and 1993, respectively. Prof. Dr. Mengüç authored/coauthored more than 120 refereed journal articles and more than 170 conference papers, and two books. He has four assigned and three pending patents, and has guided more than 50 MS and Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows. He is one of the three Editors-in-Chief of Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer published by Elsevier. Since early 2009, Dr. Mengüç is at Ozyegin University in Istanbul as the Founding Head of Mechanical Engineering Program and the Director of Center for Energy, Environment, and Economy.

Organizing team


Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul, Turkey