x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
March 12, 2016
3:00pm - 8:00pm AST
(UTC -4hrs)
Halifax, Nova Scotia

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

McInnes Room, Dalhousie SUB
6136 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4J2
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Dalhousie­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Craig Cardiff

With a voice described as “warm, scratched, sad and sleepy,”Cardiff sings songs that expose the human condition, putting a magnifying glass to the clumsier and less proud moments. He can turn any setting into an intimate affair, infusing his music and lyrics. with an uncompromising humanism.

Jacques Mindreau

Jacques’ solo music can be described as operatic folklore. He sings from his own unique language and his voice is described as hauntingly beautiful. His violin virtuosity and his foot guides the rhythm.

Jeff Dahn

Dahn has received National and International awards including: International Battery Materials Association (IBA) Research Award (1995); Herz- berg Medal, Canadian Association of Physicists (awarded to a physicist under 40 years old for career achievement - 1996); Battery Division Research Award (The Electrochemical Society - 1996); Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2001); The Electrochemical Award [Canadian Section of the Electrochemical Society - awarded once every 4 years for career achievement] (2006); Medal for Excellence in Teaching (2009) from the Canadian Assoc. of Physicists and the “Technology Award” from the ECS Battery Division in 2011.

Kevin Penny

In 1991 at the age of 15, Kevin was in a bicycle accident and as a result suffered a spinal cord injury which resulted in paralysis from the chest down. Through perseverance and determination, as well as community and family support, Kevin graduated from Horton District High School in 1995 and continued his post-secondary education at St. Mary’s University.

Lee Thomas

From a young age Lee was heavily involved in athletics, academics, and extracurriculars, and these interests continued into her teen years. However, during her teen years, she also began battling a mental illness. Feeling scared and alone, Lee struggled silently for many years. Her illness worsened throughout her high school years and continued into university, until Lee finally sought help and began the difficult process of recovery.

Maike Van Niekerk

After losing her mother to breast cancer at age 15, Maike has dedicated her life to helping those faced with similar illnesses. Apart from volunteering nearly 25 hours a week primarily for organizations that support cancer patients, Maike is the founder of Katrin’s Karepackage (KK), an initiative named after her mother, Katrin Kohler.

Rhiannon Makohoniuk

Rhiannon has a B.A. in Psychology and Gender Studies, and has been heavily involved in campus & community organizing around queer, trans & feminist issues for the past several years. She is involved with organizations such as DalOUT, South House, and Rad Pride. Rhiannon is passionate about trans liberation, breaking down binaries, the power of community, and sharing skills, stories, & experiences as a form of collective resistance.

Ron Lovett

Ron Lovett is an entrepreneur and leader with a passion for change. He builds companies with a purpose - brands that challenge and disrupt their industries. Always in pursuit of a smarter, better way, he relentlessly researches best and simple processes and is quick to execute. Ron loves going back to the drawing board and also enjoys leveraging his best practices to provide consulting services to other businesses.

Scott Comber

Scott Comber, Ph.D. is an associate professor in the Rowe School of Busi- ness, Dalhousie University. He is also a faculty member with the Canadian Medical Association - Physician Leadership Institute. Scott’s teaching areas of foci are leadership and organizational behavior. His passions are in the areas of physician leadership development, values and ethics, and especially management education, all of which align well with his research endeavours.

Organizing team


Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada