x = independently organized TED event

Theme: TEDxPapeeteSalon

This event occurred on
October 1, 2015
5:00pm - 7:00pm -10
(UTC -10hrs)
Faa'a, French Polynesia
French Polynesia

L’équipe TEDxPapeete est heureuse de vous annoncer le 1er TEDxPapeeteSalon. Initié il y a quelques années par la fondation TED, les « TEDxSalon » diffèrent quelque peu du format traditionnel des TEDxTalk. Dans une ambiance conviviale et cosy, le public se retrouvera autour de TEDTalks diffusés en vidéo ainsi que d’intervenants live pour échanger, de façon plus directe que d’habitude. Sur une thématique spécifique, rejoignez-nous dans le cadre agréable de l’InterContinental Tahiti Resort & Spa (Salle Hibiscus) pour finir votre journée dans l’espoir et la positivité.

Retrouvez ces idées qui méritent d’être diffusées et venez apporter vos interrogations, vos propres idées pour les partager avec le public et les intervenants. Un moment de partage, d’échange, en attendant le prochain TEDxPapeete !
Rendez-vous le 1er Octobre 2015 à partir de 17H pour parler Environnement ! A quelques mois de la COP21, petit zoom sur la thématique de l’environnement avec 4 intervenants live et TEDTalks diffusés en vidéo.

Intercontinental Tahiti Resort & Spa
Pointe Tata'a
Faa'a, French Polynesia, 98702
French Polynesia
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Papeete­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Cécile Gaspar

Cécile is a founder member of te mana o te moana, and the President, since its creation. A veterinarian, she completed a PhD in marine ecology and is also a senior lecturer for the EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes). Deeply involved with the protection of the marine environment and its fauna, Cécile shares her time between the association, and her activities as scientific veterinary manager and Co Maganger of the Moorea Dolphin Center. She also takes part in many international conferences on marine environment.

Hervé Lallemant

Hervé Lallemant is Doctor es Law, specialized in environmental Law. He published a book on the environmental Law in French Polynesia. He was speaker at the first edition of TEDxPapeete.

Richard Bailey

Richard H. Bailey is Chairman and CEO of Pacific Beachcomber and serves as President of Paul Gauguin Cruises, Inc. A pioneer in environmental protection and sustainability. The system has zero impact on the environment and translates to a reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to approximately 2.5 million liters of fuel oil imports per year to French Polynesia.

Serge Planes

Dr Serge Planes has been involved in the study of population genetics of marine fish since the beginning of his career that started with his PhD in 1989. Over the past 15 years, he has published about 40 papers in international journals dealing with the population genetics of coral reef fishes and an additional 20 dealing with ecology and recruitment of reef fishes. He's currently director of scientists researches at the CRIOBE (Center for Islands Research and Environment Observation) in Moorea and for the CNRS (National French Council for Scientific Research).

Organizing team


Papeete, French Polynesia


Punaauia (Tahiti), French Polynesia
  • Nicolas Thénot