x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
November 20, 2010
3:00pm - 5:00pm PST
(UTC -8hrs)
Newport Beach, California
United States

This was our first TEDxYouth event. We showed three TEDTalks and had light refreshments. Students, teachers, and members of our Library community were all invited to the event. At the schools we dropped off invitations for teachers/advisers of student associations and clubs. One of our local high schools sent a representative from their Human Relations Council to the event; he had never experienced TED before. After the event he told us he was excited to go back to his Council and tell them about it.
There was not much time to get the word out about the event this year. But we hope to run more TExYouth events in the future. Now that we've learned the basics, future events will be an opportunity to be more creative.

Newport Beach Public Library
1000 Avocado Avenue
Newport Beach, California, 92660
United States
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­N­B­P­L events

Organizing team


  • Mara Cota
    Library Assistant Teen Services