Payton M. Wilkins

Environmental justice advocate
Payton M. Wilkins is passionate about organizing for environmental justice in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan and beyond.

Why you should listen

The principal manager of the Mandela Jones Consulting Group, Payton M. Wilkins has his roots in the environmental justice movement. He served as executive director of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists’ Education Center for six years, where he helped union members access resources for programs like Community Action and Response Against Toxics (CARAT). CARAT helps monitor environmental safety issues in low-income communities and educated locals about how to take action. Wilkins was previously the community engagement manager at the Green Door Initiative, which runs a collection of community-based environmental justice programs.

Payton M. Wilkins’ TED talk

More news and ideas from Payton M. Wilkins

Live from TED Countdown Summit 2023

Dilemmas: Notes from Session 3 of TED Countdown Summit 2023

July 12, 2023

Session 3 of TED Countdown Summit 2023 tackled some of the knottier issues related to climate change — from the massive amount of money needed to finance the global green transition, to the struggle for energy access in developing nations and the ecosystem effects of fast fashion — and offered glimpses of the world-changing solutions […]

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