Cynthia Williams

Sustainability executive
Cynthia Williams plays a central role in Ford’s efforts to lead the automotive industry’s transition to electric vehicles.

Why you should listen

As global director of sustainability at Ford, Cynthia Williams works closely on the company’s plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and shape an inclusive, innovative and sustainable future. She is responsible for Ford’s sustainable business plans and policies, negotiating with international regulatory bodies and reporting on the company’s environmental and social performance. A native of Flint, Michigan, Williams joined Ford in 1992 as part of the Ford college graduate program in the automotive emissions and fuel economy office. Since then, she has held several positions at the company, including director of sustainability, environment and safety in Asia Pacific as well as roles around policy and compliance.

Williams is a member of the board of directors for CALSTART and VELOZ, two nonprofit organizations working to develop and promote clean, efficient transportation solutions, as well as the Michigan governor’s climate solution council and the board of Torch of Wisdom Foundation, Inc., a community organization in southeastern Michigan.

Cynthia Williams’ TED talk

More news and ideas from Cynthia Williams

Live from TED Countdown Summit 2023

Renewal: Notes from Session 5 of TED Countdown Summit 2023

July 13, 2023

For Session 5 of TED Countdown Summit 2023, seven speakers underscored the urgency for collective action, highlighting the growing frequency and severity of extreme weather events; insights on the electric vehicle revolution; the interconnectedness of deforestation, pandemics and climate change; the crucial role of leadership in climate justice and more. The event: Talks from Session […]

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