x = independently organized TED event

Theme: A Taste of TEDx.

This event occurred on
November 3, 2012
7:30am - 12:30pm EDT
(UTC -4hrs)
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
United States

CURATOR'S STATEMENT It is Monday morning -- the calm before the storm. The weekend [before the conference] was a flurry of technical checks at the hall, fervent presentation editing on the computers, and communications planning, in the event that we have the massive power outages forecasted for hurricane Sandy / Frankenstorm's arrival early this week. Planning this first TEDxShelburneFalls has been a whirlwind of activity and a full-time endeavor for me for the past 3 months. This week's quickening, both logistically and energetically, is exciting and scary. The winds of change compel us to employ our best technologies in the face of uncertainty and imminent challenge. With ingenuity and enthusiasm, our all-volunteer staff worked overtime to be ready. I am genuinely impressed, but not surprised.

TEDxShelburneFalls was born from the desire to connect to a community of inquisitive individuals who not only believe in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and the world, but who are actively proving this to be true. These are the folks, as are you, who rise to the occasion when a gathering of this nature presents itself. Thank you all for your energy, your inquisitiveness, and your support through this grand experiment.

A Taste of TEDx presents you with a broad cross-section of the many industrious and creative people in our region. I've selected the tastiest talent I could dream of, and asked them each to whip up an appetizer of their choice for us to savor. Dig in to this grand buffet and enjoy the flavors! I hope you walk away from today with a morsel or two that whets your palate and feeds your appetite for discovery. Let the feasting commence!

Stacy Kontrabecki
29 October 2012

Session One 11:30am - 1 pm
Session Two 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

A free, concurrent simulcast event of the Memorial Hall Live presentations happened at the same time at Mohawk High School. 100 tickets only/venue.

Session One / 11:30am - 1 pm
Shalini Bahl
Dean Cycon
Darby Dyar
David Shepherd
Daniel Trenner

Session Two / 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
John Bos & Eventide
June Millington
Keith Harmon Snow
Jim Vieira
Ezekiel Heter-Wegscheider

Memorial Hall
51 Bridge Street
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, 01370
United States
See more ­T­E­Dx­Shelburne­Falls events

Organizing team

  • John Snyder
    Man Friday
  • Scott MacPherson
    Film Director
  • Andrew Baker
  • Lynn Dole
    Simulcast Site Partner