Buttons & Forms ¶
Input styles are included in the default form styles:
%input.form-control{value: 'Test text'}
You can also add icons to inputs:
%input.form-control{placeholder: 'Search…'}
.input-overlay__addon= icon 'search'
Dropdown styles are included in the default form styles:
%option Option 1
%option Option 2
%option Option 3
%option Option 4
Form Groups & labels
Form elements and their labels can be grouped together:
= label_tag 'message[email]', "Email", class: 'form-label form-label--required'
= text_field_tag 'message[email]', nil, class: 'form-control', required: true
= label_tag 'message[subject]', "Subject", class: 'form-label form-label--required'
= text_field_tag 'message[subject]', nil, class: 'form-control', required: true
Button styles are not included by default. To add button files to your app scss file, please inlcude the following BEM block:
@import "bem-blocks/buttons"
To create a button, simply add the button
CSS class to
an element:
%button.button Button
This class can be applied to any element, not just HTML button elements. You can also use it on anchors (links) for example.
The modifier class button--medium
gives a slightly darker background -- good for use over gray page backgrounds.
%button.button.button--medium Medium button
The modifier class button--blue
gives the button light
text on a blue background:
%button.button.button--blue Blue button
The modifier class button--red
gives the button light
text on a red background:
%button.button.button--red Red button
The modifier class button--dark
gives the button light
text on a dark background:
%button.button.button--dark Dark button
The modifier class button--wide
makes the button a
block-level element:
%button.button.button--wide Wide button
Combo (dropdown with input)
A combo jQuery UI widget is available and can be applied to standard select boxes:
%option{value: ''} Please select a language
%option{value: 'JavaScript'} JavaScript
%option{value: 'PHP'} PHP
%option{value: 'Ruby'} Ruby
source: [
'ActionScript', 'AppleScript', 'Asp', 'BASIC',
'C', 'C++', 'Clojure', 'COBOL', 'ColdFusion',
'Erlang', 'Fortran', 'Groovy', 'Haskell',
'Java', 'JavaScript', 'Lisp',
'Perl', 'PHP', 'Python', 'Ruby',
'Scala', 'Scheme'
Please be sure to include the 'lib/widgets/combo'
AMD dependency
in your JavaScript when you want to use the combo widget, and
the 'blocks/combo'
dependency in your Sass.