x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 4, 2024
Gurugram, Haryana

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

GEMS International School
C-2 Palam Vihar
Gurugram, Haryana, 122017
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­G­E­M­S­International­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Aanya Gupta

Student Speaker
Aanya Gupta, a seeker of new experiences, who harbors a deep passion for igniting change through her voice and knowledge. With a close-knit circle of friends, she brightens faces effortlessly. At 13, she dreams of crafting something transformative, leaving a legacy that inspires smiles of recognition. A relentless pursuit of creativity and adventure defines her journey, as she navigates toward a future where her boundless imagination shapes the world.

Aarna Sharma

Student Speaker
Aarna Sharma with a passion for creative expression, is an avid content creator, she breathes life into her ideas through various mediums, including dance and photography. With a penchant for captivating storytelling, Aarna enjoys immersing herself in binge-watching sessions on Netflix, particularly indulging in her love for the timeless series "Friends." Alongside her artistic pursuits, she thrives in the spotlight, excelling in public speaking engagements. A social and outgoing personality, Aarna effortlessly connects with others, fostering meaningful connections wherever she goes.

Ahaan Sirothiya

Student Speaker
Ahaan Sirothiya, a spirited 13-year-old with insatiable curiosity. Whether he's fixing a broken watch, crafting intricate 3D paper airplanes, or diving into the world of motorbikes, Ahaan thrives on tinkering and exploration. Alongside his hobbies, he finds solace in playing the piano and immersing himself in the realms of scientific fiction. A passionate enthusiast of mathematics, astronomy, and computers, Ahaan is a young mind brimming with boundless potential and a thirst for knowledge.

Ana Sandeep

Student Speaker
Ana Sandeep is a visionary with a burning ambition to establish her own cosmetic empire. A devoted advocate for animal welfare, she channels her compassion into caring for all creatures great and small. Ana's passion for makeup ignites her boundless creativity, propelling her to push the boundaries of innovation. With a keen sense of design, she thrives on pioneering projects and orchestrating memorable events. Beyond her entrepreneurial pursuits, Ana is a poetic soul, finding solace and self-expression in the art of verse, which beautifully mirrors her multifaceted essence.

Chandra Aditya Rabha

Youth Leader
Chandra Aditya Rabha, a luminary of inspiration, emerges from the vibrant landscapes of Assam, India, transcending boundaries to carve a path toward a brighter future. As the Founder and President of Eclectic Model United Nations and President of Girl Up Ekta, his leadership shapes dreams into reality. With over 8 years of experience, he enlightens and empowers thousands globally. Engaged in a consulting project with Grant Thornton Bharat, he is also pursuing a Bachelor's in Business Administration. A Delhi state player in football, he finds solace in music and sports, embodying an unwavering spirit of excellence and adventure. Chandra Aditya Rabha isn't just a youth leader; he's the architect of tomorrow's dreams.

Kashish Behl

Mental well-being Advocate
Meet Kashish Behl, a compassionate mental health professional and well-being advocate committed to delivering exemplary care and support to individuals across diverse age group. She is known for fostering heightened awareness and understanding of mental health concerns within communities. With her MSc in Clinical Psychology qualification and extensive experience in mental health education (the last one being the National Head of Mental health and wellbeing), she has developed and implemented comprehensive well-being programs tailored to diverse audiences. These initiatives also include trainings for corporate employees for array of topics such as emotional intelligence, resilience building, mental health awareness, and inclusive education practices. Currently, she is actively engaged in initiatives aimed at advancing and integrating social-emotional learning within educational space to enhance student well-being and success.

Katyayani Thakur

Student Speaker
Katyayani Thakur, a dynamic individual, who has proven herself as a public speaker, academic standout, and published author during her eight years in schooling. With a diverse range of interests spanning space science, physics, mathematics, and English, she has garnered success in various competitions and received accolades, including rankings and awards. Aspiring to join an Ivy League after graduation, Katyayani aims to inspire others through both words and actions, driven by her passion for making a positive impact.

Shiven Shrawat

Student Speaker
Shiven Shrawat who embodies a diverse range of interests and passions. From immersing himself in the melodies of Taylor Swift to exploring the intricacies of Mughal history, his curiosity remains insatiable. With a natural inclination for creativity, Shiven derives pleasure from drawing, composing poems, and playing his ukulele. Fluent in both English and French, he radiates positivity through all his endeavors.

Stuthi Mary T. Benjamin

Student Speaker
Stuthi Mary T. Benjamin, a multifaceted artist, aims to ignite inspiration through her powerful words and soulful music. As a versatile singer, captivating dancer, and eloquent public speaker, she seamlessly weaves her talents to convey messages of empowerment and authenticity. Firmly believing that embracing imperfections is the essence of genuine beauty, Stuthi embodies resilience and grace in her artistic endeavors, inspiring others to embrace their uniqueness and live authentically.

Vanshika Verma

Student Speaker
Vanshika Verma, a passionate dancer, singer, and eloquent public speaker, who thrives in the intersection of arts and academia. With three Model United Nations participations under her belt, she embodies love for both diplomacy and debate. Enthralled by the wonders of science and the beauty of poetry, she navigates life as an ambivert with grace. Her ultimate aspiration? To conquer the realm of academia as an IITian, merging her love for science with her penchant (pawn-shawn) for excellence.

Vivan Bansal

Student Speaker
Vivan exudes a wisdom and maturity that belies his age. His compassion and empathy are evident in his readiness to assist those in need. Loved ones admire his gentle demeanor and genuine interest in everyone he encounters. In academics, Vivan shines brightly, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He eagerly engages in class discussions and embraces opportunities to broaden his horizons across various subjects. As he navigates childhood, Vivan's infectious zest for life inspires those around him. Each day, he approaches the world with boundless curiosity, unwavering kindness, and a determination to seize every moment.

Organizing team


Gurugram, India