x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Futures

This event occurred on
June 15, 2024
Shanghai, Shanghai

This year we come together to explore the theme of "Futures." In a world where technology and generative AI are catalyzing unprecedented change, we stand at a crossroads of possibility and responsibility. This event is dedicated to exploring how we, as individuals and as a community, can build better futures—futures that are not only technologically advanced but also deeply human. Through a rich tapestry of exhibitions, workshops, TEDx talks, and performances, we invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and re-discovery.

Our event brings together the dynamic confluence of young minds, families, and community members, all eager to explore the symbiosis between human and artificial intelligence. Imagine stepping into a world where smart farms revolutionize agriculture, deep-sea robotics unlock the mysteries of our oceans, and intelligent medicine redefines healthcare. You and your family can engage in workshops that span the realms of science, art, and sustainable fashion, or gazing at the stars in our astronomy and space research sessions. Whether it's through competition robotics engineering or thought-provoking talks on AI and cultural identities, there is something for everyone to ignite their curiosity and inspire their imagination.

This TEDx event is more than just a series of presentations; it's a collaborative space where innovation meets community spirit. Together, we will explore the frontiers of architectural design, delve into the nuances of our cultural identities in the modern age, and envision sustainable futures. So bring your family, bring your friends, and come ready to be inspired. Join us as we embark on this exciting exploration of what it means to be truly human in an ever-evolving technological landscape. The future awaits, and it starts here.

Shanghai Children's Theatre
800 Miao Jiang Road, Huangpu District
Shanghai, Shanghai, 200011
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Y­C­Y­W­Shanghai events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ain Ryu

Student Researcher
Ain Ryu is a student studying in Beijing, China. She is 11years old and a kid traveler. She has been living and traveling abroad as a child. She has travelled to various countries like India, Thailand, China, America, Arab Emirates, Maldives, Philippines and etc. Ain started going around the world since she was 4 and still in her journey. However, traveling has never been an easy job. There were lots of hard steps to take, but she still overcomes them by uncovering her new self.

Anirwa Dadda

Student Researcher
Anirwa is studying Tonxiang, China. He is currently in Grade 2. He was born in Paderborn, Germany. He is mainly focusing on his academics along with enjoying his hobbies such as playing piano and building legos. He enjoys learning Chinese and he is happy that he is able communicate fluently with everyone her in China and abroad. Anirwa loves travelling and his dream is to be a pilot in the future.

Arissa Yin

Student Researcher
Arissa is a nine-year-old student studying in Chongqing, China. She is interested in everything that requires creativity and imagination, art and self representation. She started playing the piano when she was only seven year old and she inspired her sibling Jayden to play the piano when he was only three years old. She also enjoys swimming and drama classes that have helped her to unveil the different sides of her personality, being sensitive yet persistent girl who can inspire you to do great things.

Donald Hung

Student Researcher
Donald Hung Hong Ming from Hong Kong, is a dynamic student leader and passionate sports enthusiast. Actively involved in football, table tennis, and swimming, Donald balances his athletic pursuits with a strong commitment to his school community. He has served on the student council, been a dedicated member of the Prefect team, and honed his public speaking skills in the debate club. Despite his numerous responsibilities, Donald finds his greatest joy in spending quality time with friends and exploring new places through travel. His diverse experiences and compassionate outlook make him a compelling advocate for a more holistic approach to education and success.

Ellie Sun

Student Researcher
Ellie Sun is a 16 year-old student studying in China. She is interested in literature and enjoys reading different novels from different literary backgrounds. As Ellie grew up in a diverse culture, her tastes in music and literary works are slightly different from her peers. Due to some high academic achievement and her identity, she has been a victim of cyberbullying. Yet, she always found a way out of it. Now, she's an outgoing individual who seems easy going on the outside, yet firm and tough inside.

Emma De iulis

Student Researcher
Emma is currently studying in Tong Xiang, China. She wears glasses and enjoys reading, therefore people often assume her to be quiet, but this is far from reality. She often realizes how much people are stereotyped, and fights to defy the unspoken prejudice in these “social stereotypes”.

Gilbert Lin

Student Researcher
Gilbert Lin is a student who love to think, especially about people's lives. He is often immersed in his own world of thought, trying to find hidden patterns from everyday trivialities. He also enjoy observing people's behavior, reflecting on their motivations and choices, trying to understand their way of thinking and how these ways of thinking affect their lives and decisions. The process of thinking is a pleasure for him, as it fills him with curiosity and enthusiasm towards life. He aspires to make this world a better place through his efforts.

Hannah Shen

Student Researcher
Hannah Shen lives in Shanghai, China. She plays the piano and loves to sing since she was little. She also has a passion for snowboarding and art. She won a couple of singing and snowboarding competitions, all while keeping her academic record in order. Hannah enjoys expressing deep thoughts through music and poetry, and she likes to write simple songs herself.

Henry Fan

Student Researcher
Henry is a 7-year-old student from Chongqing, China. He loves reading. Reading is fun and it gives Henry a chance to learn new things such as how food effects people's health. He likes other hobbies that promote good health such as skiing. Skiing makes him feel excited and a little nervous. He also like playing violin which can calm him down.

Ian Liu

Student Researcher
Ian is a student in China who will be turning ten in just a couple of months. His interests include playing the violin and piano, and being a member of the primary string orchestra. Additionally, he excels in both Maths and English, having earned numerous awards in contests related to these subjects. He particularly enjoy showcasing his skills on stage. Two years ago, during my second-grade year, he was a finalist in the English speech competition for the entire Yaohua Group.

Jack Cao

Student Researcher
Jack is a student in Shanghai, China, with a passion for ice hockey. Though he sometimes loses a game, his perseverance never wavers. Instead of giving up, he rises to the challenge, overcoming any setbacks. Throughout his career, he has won numerous gold medals in various championships. Jack began playing ice hockey at the age of five, and after nine years of rigorous training, he has become a highly successful player in Shanghai. Come and join Jack in his spirit of adventure and grit.

James Mahundi

Student Researcher
James Mahundi is a student in Shanghai, China, with a deep love for hip-hop and all forms of art, including the works of Shakespeare. He draws inspiration from life, transforming experiences into music and art. James' journey began during the lockdown, a time where many explored new hobbies. For him, it was an opportunity to dive into both music and art. Over the years, he has honed his skills, evolving into an artist capable of translating any musing of his into music, infusing it with his own unique style. Come immerse yourself in Shakespeare set to hard hitting tsp production.

Jessica Hehir

Jessica Hehir is a student in Shanghai. Having been recently awarded the IGCSE Scholarship for next academic year, she is a well-rounded leader and role model to others. Jessica is very passionate about sports, football in particular. In her journey, she has attended many ACAMIS sports tournaments and other school competitions. It was during these opportunities that Jessica met countless new faces, many being mixed-race like herself. This began her new-found interest in self-discovery and embracing her bi-cultural identity. Through the support of her teachers and parents, she was motivated to express her ‘idea worth spreading’ to a wider community, which has brought her to the TEDx Stage.

Jiaxin Coco Pu

Student Researcher
Jiaxin Pu is a student studying in Beijing,She is interested in science and writing. She likes reading books and trying to create real objects or solutions to solve problems. She enjoys helping others and enjoy self-achievement. She think inspiration comes from everyday observations and personal experiences, so she likes to travel around and gain new knowledge. Her science fair project won two first places, her article about literary understanding won 2 places in the World Scholar Cup national round, and herscientific innovation product won first prize in the Harvard Innovation Competition.

Justin Chu

Student Researcher
Justin Chu, a Year 8 student from Beijing, China, is on a mission to demonstrate that revealing one's vulnerabilities is not a sign of weakness, but a display of strength. Determined and passionate, Justin believes that embracing and sharing our vulnerabilities can foster deeper connections and promote a culture of empathy and support among everyone. His idea challenges the conventional view that vulnerabilities should be hidden, and he is here to prove it wrong.

Leah Lim

Student Researcher
Coming soon

Leo Lu

Student Researcher
Leo is a student in Shanghai, China, with a passion for finding balance in the digital world. He knows all too well the struggle of being constantly glued to a smartphone. Determined to make a change, Leo is on a mission to encourage his peers to unplug and reconnect with real-life interactions. With his creative posters and thoughtful conversations, Leo is leading the charge towards a healthier relationship with technology. Join him as he navigates the digital wilderness and inspires others to find harmony between screen time and offline fun!

Lison Delmotte

Student Researcher
Lison is a student studying in Shanghai, China. She is interested in art, science and reading. She decided to choose boiler farms as her topic because she is a pet owner.

Norah Fernandez

Student Researcher
Norah is studying in Year 2 in Shanghai. Born in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Norah also has ties to America, Canada, Korea, and of course-China! She is seven years old and has a little sister, Raphaela. She enjoys art and music because they’re creative and never have to end. She loves animals, especially cats. Other hobbies include swimming, biking, dancing and singing. At school, she really enjoys getting to know new friends. Norah wants to be a famous performer when she grows up and thinks TEDx is a good opportunity to know what it feels like to be onstage.

Olivia Borengasser

Student Researcher
Olivia lives in Chongqing, China. She enjoys listening to music, dancing, drama and reading.

Olivia Hong

Student Researcher
Growing up in an Asian culture, Olivia struggled with self-love due to intense academic pressures, familial expectations, and societal norms that valued self-sacrifice over self-acceptance. In this inspiring talk, she shares her transformative journey of rediscovering self-love through nurturing her body, practicing self-acceptance, and challenging limiting beliefs. Olivia offers three simple yet powerful steps to help the audience reclaim the innate self-love they once had as children, inviting them to embrace their worth beyond external validation and societal expectations.

Phoebe Fan

Student Researcher
Phoebe is a student studying in Shanghai, China. At first glance, she seems like a simple and happy thirteen-year-old girl. But there’s much more to her. Being born into an Asian household, she was regularly body shamed by her family members, leading to experiences and lessons she hopes to share with the wider community.

Rene Wang

Student Researcher
Rene is a student studying in Chongqing, China. She loves reading and writing and wishes to write her own chapter book this year. Most importantly, she always loves to challenge herself. She developed a passion for music and started learning the piano at five and the cello at eight. By dedicating herself to these musical instruments, she develops many original ideas. Right now, she has achieved remarkable results in music, winning numerous awards both at home and abroad.

Riley Wei

Student Researcher
Riley is a student studying in Shanghai, China. She enjoys feeding and taking care of animals.

Robert Sou

Student Researcher
Robert is a Shanghai student that immerses himself in diverse cultures; he dives into classical and 21st century experimental music as an enthusiast, enjoys reading novels and plays, while dedicating his efforts to create what he admires the most. Robert also has a wide range of hobbies such as playing golf.

Roselaine Lim

Student Researcher
Roselaine Lim is a 15-year-old student from Malaysia studying in Shanghai, China. She is curious about the dynamics of human behavior and enjoys creating deep connections with her peers. She is fond of learning humanities subjects like Geography and History since they correlate the past and the present of this place we call home, Earth. Roselaine is outgoing in nature, which allows her to interact with individuals from all walks of life.

Sophie Yang

Student Researcher
Sophie is an 8-year-old studying in Chongqing China. She is interested in the environment and learning about how different animals and insects play a role in our ecosystem. She wants to find ways to protect our environment. In addition, she really likes painting and is hoping to be a fashion designer one day. She hopes to use her love of painting to help teach people about the environment and make the world a better place to live.

Organizing team


Shanghai, China


Shanghai, China