x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The AgeTech Revolution: Shattering Stereotypes

This event occurred on
May 29, 2024
Santa Barbara, California
United States

This conversation delves into how technological innovations are reshaping the experiences of our aging population. We'll explore the significant demographic shifts as the global population of those over 60 is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, bringing unique challenges and opportunities in healthcare, lifestyle, and economic engagement.

We'll discuss how AgeTech goes beyond creating assistive devices by placing older adults at the center of the design process, ensuring technologies align with their needs and aspirations. Topics include innovative solutions that support aging in place and how technology is helping bridge the gap between life expectancy and health or wealth expectancy.

Additionally, we'll examine the substantial economic influence of older adults, projected to command a significant portion of global GDP by 2030, and the evolving landscape of AgeTech investment, highlighting the emergence of dedicated funds recognizing this sector's potential.

This conversation aims to break down age-old stereotypes and foster a more inclusive environment, highlighting how AgeTech enables older adults to lead fulfilling lives well into retirement.

TEDxSantaBarbaraSalon - Virtual Event
1482 E Valley Road, Suite 466
Santa Barbara, California, 93108
United States
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
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Karen Etkin

Author, Founder
Ms. Etkin is the author of The AgeTech Revolution, a book about the intersection of tech and aging, and the founder of This media platform covers the global AgeTech ecosystem and offers AgeTech education through the AgeTech Academy. She is also the founder-director of AgeLabIL at Shenkar Institute for Design, Engineering, and Art. Named one of the most influential people in aging by Next Avenue, Ms. Etkin works with startups, big tech companies, elder-care providers, public sector organizations, and NGOs on the development and adoption of AgeTech solutions. Previously, she was the first employee at Intuition Robotics, the startup behind ElliQ, the world’s first social robot designed with and for older adults, and co-founder and VP of Product at Sensi.Ai. This startup developed the first and only AI solution for remote care monitoring. She holds an M.A. in Gerontology and a B.Sc. in Life Sciences from Ben-Gurion University.

Organizing team


Santa Barbara, CA, United States