x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Breathe the Future

This event occurred on
November 10, 2018
Yokohama, Kanagawa

TEDxYNU was established this year under the enthusiasm for the members who were impressed by TED Talk to hold the TEDx event at Yokohama National University. Our aim is to make Yokohama National University full of new and good ideas. The TEDxYNU executive committee is composed of students in this university and students in the vicinity of Yokohama centering on awesome people.

This year we have chosen the theme "Breathe the future", as a means to show how starting this project will allow people to take in all that the future can bring.

Yokohama National University
79-1 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Yokohama, Kanagawa, 240-8501
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Y­N­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


Musician モンゴル伝統楽器演奏
Boyantogoto (Buyantogtokh) a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Urban Infrastructure EP. Because his name is long, please call him Buyanto. He came from Mongolia. This time he will play Morin Khuur which is also an intangible cultural heritage of Mongolia. Please enjoy the sound played from the two strings. 横浜国立大学理工学部、都市基盤EP3年。モンゴル出身。今回はモンゴルの無形文化遺産でもある馬頭琴を演奏する。2本の弦から奏でられる音をお楽しみください。


Designer デザイナー
"Born in Torino, 1982. He studied Industrial Design at the Politecnico of Torino (Italy), Conceptual Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and obtained a PhD in Design Critique from Northumbria University (UK). In his career, Giovanni exhibited at the International Design Biennale of Saint-Etienne and the Fuorisalone of Milan among other venues. His work is part of the permanent collection of the Stedelijk Museum of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands). Currently Giovanni is based in Tokyo where he runs his own practice and occupies the position of an Assistant Professor at the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (Tokyo Metropolitan University)." トリノ出身。イギリスのノーザンブリア大学でデザイン批評の博士号を取得。過去にフランスやミラノの大規模デザイン展示会で彼の作品が取り上げられている。現在、東京を拠点に活動しており、首都大東京のシステムデザインの助教でもある。


Nissan Financial Service CFO
Jin believes that one of the most important things in life is the desire to learn and to be a lifelong learner. Born in Shanghai, studied in Tokyo, worked in Nashville and Yokohama, Jin is now managing more than 1 trillion Yen assets as CFO of Nissan Financial Services. ジンは、人生で最も重要なことの一つは、勉強して生涯学習するという願いであると考えています。 上海で生まれ、東京で学び、ナッシュビルと横浜で働いていたジンは現在、日産ファイナンシャルサービスのCFOとして1兆円以上の資産を管理しています。


Pro Gambler プロギャンブラー
While continuing to win casino for 15 years, Nobuki travelled 82 countries around the world. Winning at a casino with more the proability of more than 90 percent. 15年間カジノで勝ち続けながら世界82カ国を旅する。専門洋書を800冊を読破した努力で『神の領域』と呼ばれる勝率9割に達する実績。現在、テレビ出演などマルチに活躍中。保育園〜東大・企業を始め、様々なテーマで講演依頼があり、計300回を超える。TEDxに3度の登壇経験あり。


Motivationer, Former-navy 元海軍
Nomita Yoshifumi always thinks about what is the best way to grow young people well and he likes to inspire them. He believes in dedicating his time not only young but all generations. Moreover, He always prepares for each next stage of life before the current stage finishes even if the current one is satisfying. From these points, he will tell meaningful concepts for university students. His theme ” Leadership and followership ” will be helpful for students to know how to act & react in their organizations with their teams, colleagues, and even family members. 野田義文は、若者の成長を促す最善の方法は何かを常に考えており、彼らはそれらを刺激するのが好きです。 彼は若いだけでなくすべての世代を捧げることを信じています。 さらに、彼は現在の段階が終わっても、現在の段階が終わっても、次の段階ごとに常に準備します。 これらの点から、大学生にとって意味のある概念を教えてくれるでしょう。 彼のテーマ「リーダーシップと追随者」は、チームや同僚、さらには家族と一緒に組織内で行動し反応する方法を知るために役立ちます。


Human resources 人事
Three years after I decided to join a job hunting ceremony with a human capital big job after two years of hiring, I joined the human resources venture suddenly, and I have met with more than 1,000 hiring employees over the course of a year Reforming my way of thinking. Self-analysis should not be made to get a job offer, it should be made to get a vision of your desired future. 2年間の就活を経て人材大手の内定式で入社を決意した3日後に人材ベンチャーに急遽入社し、1年間で1000人以上の就活生と会ってきた僕が思う自己分析の考え方改革。内定は目的でなく手段。自己分析は内定を獲る為ではなく将来のビジョンを明確にする為に。


Global Communicater ナレーター・声優
Soness Stevens is a global communications practitioner. You can see her weekly on NHK TV’s Pre-Kiso. She is an Associate Professor of business presentation skills at YNU. Author of Japan’s first multi-media textbook used in the university system. You may have seen her on NHK TV and FOX TV Japan, or heard her as the official English voice of Hello Kitty. She lives, surfs and practices Zazen Meditation in Shonan. 元気溢れるパーソナリティ、元気溌剌なエネルギッシュなボイスから、セクシーなトーンまで幅広いボイスに対応。キャラクターボイスや歌唱も得意です。TEDトークの出演経験有り。横浜国立大学の准教授であり、NHKラジオなどでも活躍する。


Assistant Professor 東京工業大学助教
Assistant Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology.Takumi Ohashi received a Ph.D. in electronic device research in this March while pursuing how to contribute to the education in developing countries in the future. How did he, who is trying to bridge the unrelated fields apparently, spend his student life? In his speech, we have a chance to think about how to design our “student life.” 今年の3月に電子デバイス研究で博士号を取得する。将来は新興国での教育を目指す。一見すると関係のない分野どうしに橋を架けようとする彼は学生時代をどのように過ごしたのか。彼のスピーチから学生生活の中に潜むアイデアを見出せるだろう。

Organizing team


Kanagawa, Japan

Çağrı Tuzcuoğlu

Istanbul, Turkey
  • Pablo Rene Lopez Deras